Mike's POV
We planned to wake up early this morning so we can cuddle. I say "morning, baby." Tony mumbles "morning." I rub my hands up and down his side. I mumble "I love you." He says "mm I love you too." I kiss him softly and he says "I don't want to be friends with anyone." I say "you'll be my bestest friend." Tony says "were still married, dork. What are we going to do with our rings?" I say "we have chains. Remember we bought them just in case we needed them for a mission." Tony mumbles "oh yeah." I say "I love you." Tony says "I love you too. How does one become a frat boy you probably have more information on it than I do." I say "rude. Ummm say you're dating a hot Mexican whore and you'll be fine." Tony says "you're a whore and you can do the same." I chuckle and say "deal. What even is this?" Tony says "I don't know anymore" pushing his head into my chest. I smile saying "I love you so much, baby." He says "I love you too." I say "ready to go to college?" Tony says "no, I don't like school." I say "no one does unless its college and were being forced against our will so you are supposed to hate it then." Tony says "its 7:15. Noooo." I say "come on lets get up." Tony says "no." I say "I'll buy you coffee." Tony says "ok fine." I get out of bed, pulling him with me. I pull on black skinny jeans, a white tee shirt, my converse, and my leather jacket. Tony says "grey or black shirt?" I say "black" checking him out. He smiles and winks, pulling his clothes on. I say "I'm not sure how much I can keep my hands off you" squeezing his hips. He's wearing tight skinny jeans, his tee shirt fits in all the right places but its a little short so if he lifts his arms it'll show his stomach, you know what I'm talking about, a black a white flannel, and converse. I say "fuck." He bites his lip, walking over to me and kissing me. I say "hey sexy." He says "hi" walking away to put on a SnapBack. I say "you really aren't making this easy ya know." I pull the chains out of a drawer as Tony says "I never said this would be easy" kissing me. I say "give me your ring." He looks at me, sliding it off. I slide it onto a chain and say "turn around." He nods and I clip the chain around his neck. He tucks the ring under his shirt and I slip my ring onto another chain, clipping it around my neck. Tony reaches up and puts it under my shirt. I say "were going to do it, baby." Tony nods saying "I swear if it comes down to fucking in an empty janitors closet then it does." I chuckle and say "lets hope it doesn't" as we walk out of the room. I mumble "lets make this easy" as I say "wake up!" Rapidly knocking on the doors. I hear a bunch of groans and I say "yup! Let's go I don't care I want to say bye to everyone! No half assing it. I know you." They all mumble mixtures of "no" and "fine." Tony chuckles and they all walk out of their rooms. I say "keep an eye on each other and please don't get in trouble. If you need something let me know ok?" Lilly says "what about your cover?" I say "I would blow my cover for all of you." They all nod and Angelica says "bye dad. Love you" hugging Tony and I. I say "we love you too, sweetheart." She smiles saying "I'm going back to bed for a bit before school." I say "yes ma'am" and she chuckles. Taylor says "bye dad. Love you" hugging us. Tony mumbles "we love you too, kiddo." Everyone says bye and they go to their room and I grab Lilly's shoulder saying "you have a gun in your drawer right?" She says "yup" turning around to look at me. I mumble "you're in charge. I trust you. If you need anything call us, I'm serious if anything happens I want to be the first to know, Kellin is across the street if you need anything thats not super serious just let him know. Ok? The guns in my name not yours so if you get in trouble with it give me a call I'll take care of it." She smiles saying "thanks, Mike. I love you guys" hugging us. I say "we love you too" kissing her head. I say "seriously, anything. I worry about you guys." Lilly says "if the house is set on fire you'll know before the fire department." I say "I don't know if I agree with that but I get your analogy." She waves and we walk out the door. Tony says "Wednesday." I say "Wednesday." We get in the car, going to the station. We get to the station and we walk in and everyone looks like how we looked when we were doing the other mission before we took Lilly in. I say "I don't have an exact plan other than Starbucks, go to the college, and do what we do." Everyone nods and Billie says "I'm a desperate sorority girl. Tony, be my boyfriend." I laugh and I say "when we get there you can have him but right now he's mine." Tony says "you're just dropping me to a sorority girl?" I say "sorry, I'm already dating a sexy Mexican girl." Tony glares at me and says "whatever" squeezing his hand. Chief says "ok you guys can go now." I chuckle saying "ok" and we all walk to our cars.

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