Mike's POV
My alarm goes off and Tony groans. I chuckle tiredly saying "hey." Tony says "no" pushing his head into my shoulder. I say "come on" running my hand down his back and ass. He rests his hand on my chest, his eyes fluttering shut. I say "no going to sleep" squeezing his ass. He says "no." I chuckle and toss his boxers at him saying "get dressed." He says "fine" sitting up, pulling his boxers on. I bite my lip and pull my boxers on. I put my clothes from earlier on, my beanie, and I put my converse on. Tony comes over to me, dressed saying "ready?" I kiss him saying "I think so" sliding my jacket on. He kisses me and he says "I love you." I say "I love you too." We walk out of the room, going straight to my car. I say "I'm going to call my mom." Tony nods as I pull onto the road. I grab my phone and call my mom, putting it on speaker. She says "hello?" I say "hey mom, Lilly said you were coming over later. What is that about?" Mom chuckles saying "Lilly and I were talking earlier cause she was taking a break from her work. She seemed overwhelmed and you guys are always in need of a break so I'm taking everyone that lives at your house, except you guys, camping with your father and I." I say "thats amazing mom. They all seem to be going crazy so I think it would be good for them. Thanks mom." My mom chuckles saying "I'm taking them tonight." I say "Tony and I are having dinner at his parents so we probably wont be there when you get there." She says "I'll let the kids know that you're gone because I know you didn't tell them that you were leaving." Tony says "she knows you well." I say "its not like you aren't blamed for it either." Tony rolls his eyes saying "yeah I know." My mom chuckles saying "I'll probably see you later guys." I say "bye mom." She says "bye" hanging up as I pull into the driveway. Tony says "I don't think I'm mentally prepared to deal with my siblings." I say "you'll live at least you don't have to deal with yours 24/7." Tony says "hey, he saved our asses earlier so be quiet." I say "fine" as we open the door. As soon as the door opens I hear an "uncle Mike!" I say "oh no" as Maria's son jumps on me. I pick him up, resting him on my hip saying "hey kiddo! Hows it going?" He says "dude, it's awesome! Grandmas making tacos!" I say "are you going to eat them all?" Raising an eyebrow. He says "yeah" competitively glaring at me. I say "not if I eat them all first!" He says "no I'll eat them all first!" I say "nuh uh I'm going to eat them all" as we walk into the kitchen. Miles says "no. Grandma tell uncle Mike I'm going to eat all the tacos!" Tonys mom says "I have a feeling Mike is going to eat them all, Miles." Miles crosses his arms, glaring at me saying "no you aren't." I say "yeah I am." Miles says "are not!" I say "are too!" Tony's dad says "boys, get out of the kitchen if you're going to argue" scrolling through his phone. Miles says "fine. Put me down." I chuckle saying "so demanding" putting him down. Miles hugs Tony saying "hi bye" as he runs off. Tony chuckles quietly and says "Mike, he did say if you were arguing get out of the kitchen." I say "but I'm not arguing anymore!" Tony says "mom, I think I married a child." I say "ok ouch. Rude." Tony grabs my hand and drags me to the living room. Emma, one of Tonys sisters, says "don't drag the poor boy around, Tone." All of the siblings are sitting around and I'm assuming their children are upstairs messing around. Tony says "he'll survive" sitting on the floor in front of me as I sit down on the couch. Emma says "where are the kids?" I say "good question." And the adults laugh. Tony says "you're a responsible parent. Lilly is with friends, Taylors with Finneas most likely if not he's with Angelica, Angelica is shopping with her friends, Christina is doing god knows what she's an adult, and Ava is probably with either Susanne or Christina." I say "ok, and how do you know that?" Tony says "cause they told me." I say "responsible parent, irresponsible parent" pointing at Tony then myself. Maria says "your house is going to be take over by females." I say "theres 4 of them 3 of us so slowly but definitely taking over." Emma says "wait doesn't Finneas work for you?" I say "more with than for and yeah." Emma says "isn't it slightly illegal for them to be together? I'm just curious." I say "yeah but Taylors like a few months from 18 its not like he's 14. Ya know?" She says "yeah." A few of the kids come down the stairs, arguing about eating all the tacos. All the kids are between 6 and 10 so its funny watching them argue. Angela, Emma's daughter says "no I'm going to eat all the tacos, Miles." Miles says "no, I'm going to eat all the tacos." I say "no, I'm going to eat all the tacos." The adults chuckle and Angela turns to me saying "uncle Mike!" Making sure to go around Tony and jumping on me. I say "hey, girly! How you doing?" She says "good! Who do you think you are? Thinking you're going to eat all the tacos?!" Tony laughs and the sisters gasp at Angela's sassiness. I say "who do you think you are? Thinking you're going to eat all the tacos?!" Angela says "they're my tacos!" I say "no they're my tacos!" Angela gasps saying "they were mine first!" Tony says "the tacos aren't even done yet, Angela." Angela moves from my lap to Tonys and Angela says "don't assume if the tacos are done or not you don't know them, uncle Tony!" Tony says "you don't know the tacos either!" Angela says "you don't know that!" Crossing her arms. Tony crosses his arms, making a face at her. Angela makes the same face at him and she giggles and runs back upstairs with Miles.

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