Mike's POV
Tony and I get to the station and Taylor must've already went to school. Lilly quit a few days ago cause she wants to focus on schooling and finishing all of her degrees. I'm not mad about it honestly. If she needs a job and can't get one she knows where to find me. We walk in and I say "so whats the deal with the new assignment?" Sliding down the wall next to the door, Tony sitting next to me. Chief says "everyone here?" I look around and say "yup." Chief nods and says "Mike, your crew is going to be going undercover at a college. There's apparently something going on with frat boys again but different place and supposedly they're human sacrificing to some form of gang, supernatural being, the thing is we don't know what they are sacrificing to. There's a bunch of people in the school going missing, including teachers. So before I send you in there to check it out you have to find out what all the people going missing have in common so we can maybe think of a slight idea of why they're "sacrificing" them." I nod and Tony says "well who's going to be on the inside?" Chief says "you both" pointing at Tony and I. I say "we aren't straight enough." Chief says "well you'll have to suffer. Find a loophole you guys are good at that." I say "I find loopholes for a living. Ok we need to leave, Vic you're coming with us." Vic says "ok if I'm dead I've been sacrificed to the devil!" I say "you're going to the high school not an anti exorcism." Everyone laughs and we go to my car, vic getting in the back seat. Vic says "what are you making me public speak about?" I say "gun safety and self defense apparently." Vic says "yay? Why can't you do that?" I say "cause you are better at it than I am." He says "whatever." Tony says "were going to be frat boys." I say "eww." Vic says "its not the worst thing I've ever done but its not at the top of the greatest list." I say "how did you do it with Kellin?" Vic says "I convinced stupid frat boys that Kellins a girl." I laugh saying "seriously?!" Vic says "yeah. If was fun for us." Tony says "Mike, don't even look at me." I say "I wasn't going to make you do that." Tony says "mhm" rolling his eyes as I pull into the school parking lot. I say "I'm starting to hate schools every time I come back to one." Tony says "me too." Vic says "agree" as we all get out. We go in, immediately going to the office. The principal says "hello boys. How are you?" I say "were doing ok I think." She says "you're just on time assembly starts in 10 minutes." I say "awesome" as she makes us follow her down the hall. We get to the gymnasium and Tony mumbles "were going to be frat boys." I say "we both don't like it. Good." Tony chuckles and says "mhm" leaning on me. Vic says "do you want anything specified within the topics you want talked about?" The principal says "the board said just how you can protect yourself at school appropriately and  how we shouldn't use weapons in school to defend ourselves" staring me down. I say "yeah I'm sorry about that. I got mad." Tony says "thats not the greatest excuse." I mumble "be quiet we both hate that kid as much as each other." The principal says "yeah I think thats it you can take questions about problems that happen in schools like everyday kind of stuff." I nod saying "ok that sounds good." The principal nods, leaving us in the gym. Vic says "ok, I'm going to scare Kellin cause its funny." I chuckle and say "ok." He leaves and I kiss Tony. I say "what are we going to talk about?" Tony says "what she said. Then answer some questions." I say "well duh, smartass." Tony says "I love you." I say "I love you too." Tony says "I'm bored." I say "me too" as everyone starts to come in. Tony looks at me and mumbles "what are we even doing?" I say "teaching children." Everyone sits down and I say "good morning everyone. How are ya?" Into the mic. I hear a lot of groans and Tony says "speaking of ughhh, I want coffee" looking at me. A lot of people in the crowd say "same." I say "come on guys you aren't allowed to side with him!" Tony smiles and I say "ok we will figure this out, in general, who's on my side? Raise your hand cause I'd say scream at me but then I'd get in trouble." A bunch of people raise their hands and I say "Tony's side?" More people raise their hands, including our kids. I say "Taylor, what do you have to say for yourself?" Tony says "haha." I say "shh." Everyone in the crowd laughs and I say "you too Kellin?! You're married to my brother! I don't like any of you any more" as everyone dies laughing. I smile and say "my brother has been misplaced. Where'd he go? Anyone have a clue?" Kellin shrugs and I say "great. I kind of need him here but ya know he doesn't listen to me but I don't mind stalling." The crowd chuckles and Tony says "I'm bored" and everyone nods in agreement and the teachers look slightly offended.

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