Mike's POV
Ethan comes out of the bathroom, his bangs hanging in his face. I say "can I ask you a few questions about this or is it a little too touchy?" Ethan says "I-I should be fine." I say "do you know about the other 11 people that went missing?" He says "I k-knew there were some but I didn't know there were 11!" I say "how many did you know of?" He says "5." I nod and say "may I ask what kind of stuff they did to you?" He says "I-Its an iffy subject but everything like rape, they would cut me with a knife, they would do like weird b-blood rituals on me, they would tie me up, starve me, name it they most likely did it." I nod saying "how old are you?" He says "last time I checked 20. Jk I am actually 20 though." I chuckle and say "ok. Umm how are you feeling?" He says "I don't know." I nod and say "anyone you live with outside of campus?" He nods and says "my mom would be happy to see me I think. My boyfriend. Fuck I wonder if he's still here." I say "I bet he is, kid. Do you know where the other kids are?" Ethan says "I don't know there has to be at least 3 more kids down there." I say "what about the other 11?" Ethan says "I heard something about them being in the other houses basement." I say "damn. Ok." I hear the door open and Tony says "its just me." I say "Jesus Christ don't do that to me." Tony says "sorry. Here's the file." I say "thanks" opening it. I say "ok. What are you thinking?" Tony says "umm we will let the station know that you're not "missing" anymore and maybe let your close parents know but not anyone here for now because we are undercover right now figuring this exact case out so just like no news stations no nothing is going to find out your basically going off the grid until we figure everything out. What do you think?" I say "good idea so were going to go back down there because there is supposedly more people down there and you guys are going to basically going to go off the grid till we finish this." Ethan says "ok I-I think I can do that." I smirk and say "I think theres someone you want to surprise too and were going to get that to happen." Ethan says "thank you so much guys." I say "you're welcome, dude. Ok we have to be quick about this." Tony sighs saying "ok" kissing my cheek and walking back to the door. I say "if you hear a door. At the end of that hall both doors. Just go in and find a spot the guys are kind of dumb so they wont notice anything." He nods, biting his lip. Tony and I go down and Tony says "how many are down here?" I say "3." He nods and mumbles "I love you." I say "I love you too, baby" kissing him. We walk in and I take my phone out and turn on the flashlight. I say "I'm going to look around, you look at walls, see if you can find anything." Tony says "I also took this thing from the station its a heat sensor that you put against the wall and you can see heat signatures." I say "you're such a nerd and I love that." He smiles and I walk to the other room shining my flashlight. I hear a whine. I raise an eyebrow, looking around. I find a couple very obvious doors that are like the ones on pick this and die or pick this one and you are less likely to die. You know what I'm talking about. I open one of the door and a girl quietly says "no, no, no. Don't touch me. Please." I say "hey, I'm Mike I'm going to get you out of here ok?" She says "f-for what?" I say "I work with the FBI I'm going to get you out of here." She wipes her eyes saying "ok." I say "need help?" Offering her my hand. She shyly takes it and I say "that guy over there is Tony he's here to help you ok?" She nods mumbling "I'm Alison. Oh my god where's Ethan?!" Tears coming to her eyes. I say "hey, listen to me. He's upstairs. Ok?"she says "can I go up and see him its been weeks since I've seen him." I say "sure honey. You can shower, eat, whatever when you get up there. Do whatever you need to do ok?" She nods and walks out, waving shyly at Tony. He shyly waves back at her. I open the other door and a small guy looks at me. He says "w-who are you?" I say 'I'm Mike, I'm here to get you out of here ok?" He nods, shyly saying "how do I know you aren't here to force drugs into me like a couple weeks ago?" I pull my badge out and say "is this proof?" He reluctantly nods and says "I'm Andre" looking down. I say "you can go upstairs, shower, eat, whatever ok? Oh that's Tony by the way. He's helping me out." Andre nods and waves at Tony, going up the stairs. I say "hows the camera thing going?" Tony says "a lot of heat signatures are behind this wall but I don't know how to get to the other side." I say "were going to get it open. Feel the walls." I run my hands over the walls and I say "indent" pressing into it and the wall opens. I look around and Tony says "what is this room and why is it so hidden?" A small woman says "they put us in here to die even though none of us have died yet. Gone a little insane? Maybe. Still have mentality? Most of it, yes." I say "were getting everyone out of here. Is there 9 of you in this room?" The woman says "no only 4." Tony says "holy shit."

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