Mike's POV
Tony leans on the car, looking up at me. He says "were really good at pretending we hate each other." I say "mhm. Starting to think you hate me." Tony says "no, I love you." I say "I love you too, baby. I really want to kiss you but I feel like a teacher is going to scream at me." Tony says "oh you don't care if a teacher screams at you and you and I both know it." I step closer to him and kiss him, rubbing my hands down his sides. He bites my lip softly and I groan. He says "you're so deprived I can tell" chuckling. I say "of course I am I haven't kissed you all day. Just elevated." Tony bites his lip saying "theres people at our house." I say "thats not stopping me a whole lot." Tony laughs saying "whatever. I'm down." I grab his face, kissing him. He groans quietly into my mouth. I say "home?" Tony nods saying "eh in a second" wrapping his arms around my neck, kissing me. I hear a whistle and some kid say "get some!" Tony pulls away, chuckling and I laugh. Tony says "home" sliding across the hood of the car, getting in on the other side. I bite my lip, getting in the car. Tony puts his hand on my thigh and I grab it, kissing his knuckles.
Smut starts
I put my hand on his thigh, slowly moving my hand. Tony sighs, gently placing his hand on mine. I say "I love you." Tony says "I love you too" squeezing my hand. I love it when I touch him so intimately because he relaxes so much and its so hot that he sits there just enjoying himself, his eyes half closed, his breathing low and shaky, very relaxed but he's going to be worked up in a second. He grips my wrist as I tease him by going really slow. Tony says "stop teasing me." I say "not yet." Tony says "fuck" as his breathing gets uneven. I say "I love you baby." He moans saying "I love you too." I start to palm myself slowly and Tony places his hand on top of mine, moving my hand. I say "how did I learn to drive while doing this?" Tony bites his lip saying "I can't tell if it's something to hide or be proud of it." I say "mhm" parking the car in the driveway. I open the door and Tony does the same. I kiss him and he says "wait" breathing unevenly. We get to our room in the house and I shut and lock the door. Tony says "I love you." I say "I love you too, baby" as I kiss him, nibbling at his lip. He moans lightly and I say "you're so pretty" as he kisses down my chest. He palms me, making me groan. I pull my shirt off and Tony says "sexy" as he pulls my boxers and pants off. I grab his hair as he sucks me off. I groan saying "fuck, you're so good, baby." He pulls off, licking the tip softly. Tony says "mm so sexy." I say "fuck, you have such a pretty mouth" as he takes me back into his mouth. I bite my lip and he looks at me. I groan as he pulls off of me. I grab him, pulling him off the ground. I say "I'm going to fuck you're pretty little mouth" kissing him. Tonys breath hitches and he gets on his knees in front of me. He gets flustered when I tell him what to do during sex. You could say I know my stuff. He kisses my lower stomach, biting softly. I play with his hair saying "so pretty, baby." He looks up at me, jerking me off slowly. I groan saying "you're such a tease." He bites his lip, kissing my thigh. He takes me into his mouth, making me groan. I thrust into his mouth gently and he groans in the back of his throat, filling me with pleasure.  I say "fuck, Tone." He pulls away, licking the tip softly. He grabs my hip firmly, taking me into his mouth. I play with his hair and let him do the work cause I'm nice. I say "close" as sweat starts to show on my chest. He pulls away, jerking me off and kissing my hip bone. He stands up and kisses me and I lean my forehead against his. He groans lightly, sending me over the edge. My knees shake slightly as I slowly thrust into his hand, coming down from my high. I mumble "funk that was good." I pull my boxers on and I sit on the bed against the headboard saying "come here." He bites his lip, sitting in between my legs, facing the opposite side of the room. I kiss the back and sides of his neck saying "I love you." He says "I love you too." He leans his head against my chest. I say "you're so pretty" kissing behind his ear. He leans back, kissing my neck. I smile saying "I love you." He just lays there, shutting his eyes gently. I run my hand over his thigh and he stiffens, moaning quietly. I bite my lip and he says "touch me." I lick a line up the side of his neck up to his ear, making his lip quiver slightly. Tony says "I don't want to put any effort in" closing his eyes. I say "I'm gonna make you feel good, baby."
End of smut

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