Mike's POV
Taylor comes into the living room saying "whats going on with a lot of pizza?" I say "you might want to take some before they eat it all" gesturing to the girls. Taylor says "for once he gives good advice." I say "ok ouch. Why is everyone making fun of me?" Tony says "were supposed to its how it works, babe." I say "whatever" pulling Tony into the kitchen with me.  He smiles, looking at me. I say "you're my favorite" kissing him. He says "you're my favorite" leaning against me. I mumble "we have to tell them later." Tony says "I know. I don't want to" putting his head on my chest. I say "mhmm I don't either." He says "I love you." I say "I love you too, baby." Tony says "I don't want to do it." I say "I don't either but its going to be fun." He smiles and says "what if its not?" I say "were going to make it fun." Tony says "oh yeah cause being closeted is fun" rolling his eyes. I say "we could convince frat boys you're a girl." Tony chuckles saying "no chance. Can't take the chance of hurting my masculinity and living with girls? No thanks." I laugh and say "ok and just saying you live with girls" kissing his forehead. He says "I also live with you so its not bad plus they aren't my age its weird being like omg my nails!" I laugh saying "true. We would be awful at convincing people that you're a girl." Tony chuckles saying "were just going to drop the idea of convincing people I'm a girl. I would never be mentally prepared to pretend to be a girl for too long." I don't think I would be either." Tony says "I love you." I say "I love you too" kissing him. I hear more screams from the living room and I mumble "omg I love Zac Efron!" Tony laughs and says "why are you like this?" I say "cause I'm awesome." Tony says "thats an invalid answer." I smile saying "hey, you're the one who married me. You have to deal with the consequences." Tony says "oh so its about me now?" Smirking. I say "from me its about you mostly all the time" kissing him. He smiles and says "only mostly?" I say "yeah, we have kids ya know." Tony rolls his eyes saying "I know." I say "mhmm." I hear the front door and a "sleepover!" I say "oh no." Tony says "yup" taking my hand and dragging me into the living room. Our whole crew is here plus Kellin of course and I say "god damn. Seriously?" Vic says "yup were dying Billies hair in your sink." I say "did Kellin seriously say yes to this?" Kellin says "I was picked up and carried here against my will." I say "Vic, you can't just carry your husband out of your house against his will to eat all my food." Finneas says "says you, Mike" taking a piece of pizza, laying across the girls on the couch, laying his head in Taylor's lap. Finneas says "hello ladies" flirtatiously. Taylor smacks him saying "behave." We all laugh and I say "whatever. what color are you dying your hair?" Billie says "I have to go back to brown because ya know I love my job when I have to have a natural hair color" sarcastically. Susanne says "I don't know like any of you." I say "the one with the weird hair is Billie, Finneas you probably remember him, Vic is really short, um you know Kellin, yup thats it." Billie says "my hair is the best." Taylor says "what do you mean for your job?" I say "well talk about it later, ok?" He nods  and I say "now go dye your damn hair try not to stain my sink please and thank you." Billie says "no promises, dude!" I roll my eyes and Angelica says "I'm going to help her." Kellin says "why did I have to come do this I hang out with children for a living." I laugh and say "you'll survive, Kells." Kellin says "I don't know that kid named Taylor is really annoying he just doesn't stop." Taylor says "hey! Don't make me start calling you uncle Kellin." Kellin says "we both hated that and you know it." I say "we all did." Kellin says "I'm feeling old now." I say "I constantly feel old. Kellin, you should tell these guys how you convinced frat boys you were a girl." Kellin says "gather round kiddies let me tell you a story." I say "don't ever word anything like that again." Kellin says "I'm not telling that story." I say "darn." Tony says "I'm tired and we have to wake up at 7 in the fucking morning." Kellin says "I have to wake up at 4 in the morning on week days shut up." Tony says "no you shut up. Let me sit in my suffering for a little bit" leaning against me. I say "that's a little dramatic." Tony says "its supposed to be, dork." Vic says "we should dye Mike's hair blonde." I say "no never ever ever again." We all laugh and Kellin says "I hated it so much whenever I was at your house I truly debated shaving it every night." I say "you should've! Why did I do that!?" Vic says "you were a fan of dumb hairstyles." I say "die in a hole" laughing. Tony says "I don't want to see you blonde. If you do it I won't hesitate to shave it." I say "I don't want to see myself blonde either again." Tony says "Jesus Christ."

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