Mike's POV
I hear a couple people run down the stairs, tripping each other. The guy that fell says "oww, Jason! I'll tell Ethan!" The other guy says "Josh, I'll tell mom!" Jason says "why?! I'd be the ones getting in trouble!" Josh says "cause." I chuckle and Tony mumbles "I bet thats what it was like when you and Vic were growing up." I chuckle saying "yeah it probably was." The boys walk in and one of the guys say "Mike, Tony, I'm not in trouble am I?!" I say "my man, its been awhile." He says "yeah, I was told that some tall cops that are covered in tattoos are in the dining room and I was like oh no. I'm in trouble with Mike and Tony." I say "you aren't in trouble, you're Josh I'm guessing?" Pointing at the other kid that looks identical to Jason. He nods and I say "so, this is about your sister. What are you thinking is going on?" Josh says "we have family in Singapore that she's pretty close with she could be there cause Grams already told you what she knows and its about the same for us." I nod and Tony quietly says "Jason, do you think it could have to do with the guys that had Ethan?" Jason says "maybe. They had a thing with our family cause they wanted money so they probably tried him to get through to me but it didn't work so they "killed" my sister to show they don't mess around." I say "but they're all in jail how could that have happened?" Tony says "thats it! Everyone has someone on the inside! Right? That could've been Ross to report the supposed death to cover up their tracks of where they might be taking her. The body was staged in the picture or they sacrificed Ross as bait!" I say "genius! Utter genius!" Tony rolls his eyes saying "thank you." I smile and say "only a theory but it works. Who did it, when, whats the motive, and a partial where. Ok, that went quick how you guys doing?" Josh says "that was very intense then a how are you? I'm alright." Jason says "thats how it is with them, dude. I'm good its been crazy. I heard Alison is going back to school but for something different. Something in phycology its pretty cool." I say "thats awesome. Hows Ethan doing?" Josh says "he's a special one alright" and Jason smacks him. I chuckle and Jason says "he was diagnosed with PTSD about a month ago. He's doing good though not 100 percent but he's doing it." Josh says "why you telling these dudes this?" Jason says "these are the hot officers I told you about that got him out of there. They're there when our families aren't or the whole group doesn't want to talk to their families. Basically the dads of the group." Tony says "oh the irony." Jason says "I thought you were talking about strippers. I was playing video games." I chuckle and say "I'm down" and Tony smacks me saying "I'm divorcing you if you become a stripper." I say "sorry dudes I'm out." Jason says "please Tony?!" Tony says "whatever I say goes and I say no." I say "sorry dudes." Jason says "ughhgh what are you guys doing all the way up here other than questioning?" I say "well I would've asked the LA FBI but they literally suck at their job and wouldn't do anything right so I had to make the drive." Jason says "its not the absolute worst drive ever." I say "true. Hows everyone else doing?" Jason says "I'm pretty sure they're good. They are recovering quite well honestly. I think Andre's mom broke up with that asshole so that's good." I say "thats really good. Well now that we skipped a trip on the way back, um what now?" Tony says "work see if they dealt with Ross yet." I say "Finneas probably did it." Tony says "I really like that kid. He's just convenient." I chuckle saying "right?" Jason says "anything else exciting?" I say "I almost beat up a kid yesterday?" Jason says "and Tony didn't let you?" I say "no cause he's a loser" crossing my arms. Tony says "do you see what I live with?" Jason laughs saying "a man child? Yeah, my dad and this guy" pointing at Josh, rolling his eyes. Tony chuckles saying "I chose to live with this one. You don't!" Jason says "I think thats your problem, Tone." I laugh saying "hah!" Tony says "oh shut up." Josh says "you brought that upon yourself, dude." Tony says "yeah, I know." I laugh saying "haha." Tony rolls his eyes and Jason says "our friends have made bets on you guys hating each other." I say "really? People think we hate each other?" Tony laughs saying "I mean some teenagers thought we were related yesterday so. Its not that weird anymore." I say "true." Jason says "maybe you're already starting to look like each other. Getting old" teasingly. Tony says "Mike is the old one here." I say "whatever. If I told you I was 22 would you believe me?" Josh says "yeah." I say "ok I'm not that old now." Tony says "yeah cause that's how it works" sarcastically. I say "yup, fully convinced." Tony says "oh yeah" sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

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