Queen's pov

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"YOUR FUCKING LYING'' Angela said while we were walking ''I'm so serious I was two inches of slapping her ass Angela like she mad cause kentrel broke up with her bum ASS'' I said the last part out loud one thing I hated was being embarrassed in front of people that drew a line about what happen yesterday of course kentrel's going to be sorry but he didn't know ''oh look at Jayden making a three shot and shit'' we was in the gym watching kentrel play I've always done that never missed one day of him playing î remember the day he broke his ankle trying to cross someone for the first time ''girl for a moment I thought he was eye raping you for a second and kentrel was going to go over there and hit him in his face for staring'' kentrel never did like people staring at me so I mean I can't do anything about that then I remembered the talk we had that night I got up out my seat and started ''I SAY GO....GO PLAY GO PLAY WIN THE WAR SO THAT WERE SAVED I SAY GO, SAY GO SAY PLAY WIN THE WAR SO THAT WERE SAVED....GO RAMS'' I sang the school cheer when I looked down people where surprised even kentrel he even had a big smile on his face ''what'' I said looking at a opened mouth Angela ''I didn't know you where a cheerleader'' she said ''cause I'm not...kentrel asked me and I did it'' she looked at me and smile ''he can literally get you to do stuff can he'' I wanted to say bitch no but I thought about it ''damn I guess he can'' was all said before looking at them play. "My little cheerleader cheering and shit'' he said about to hug me ''yeah hurry up so we can go home and so you can take a bath'' I said scooting away but he was able to hug me making fell his wet and musky clothes ''ight'' was all he said before we got in the car 15 minutes later kentrel looked at me before stopping at a red light ''yes kentrel'' I said still looking through my phone ''nun I was going to ask you something but never mind'' he said before driving ''no tell me'' I said now anxious what he had to say ''I was going to ask you if wanted to make a drop with me" he said for a minute I looked at him and was just thinking should I slap him or punch him in his shit but then again who was I to judge someone.....especially my bestfriend, I took a deep breath and said ''ok''  he looked at me and was kind of hesitant at first but he did a U-turn and went down a street after stopping he sat back and told me to stay here and that don't talk to nobody under any circumstances I shook my head yeah then he left. I couldn't make out what was going on but all I could see was kentrel and a group of people talking I was snapped out of  my daze to see someone knocking on the window door ''aye ma you cute as fuck let me get your number'' this strange ass dude said he had to be in his thirties or something he was cute but...I don't want ya nigga I stared and started to scroll through my phone ''aye bitch you hear me'' before I could even reply to this ignorant bastard he was thrown on the floor ''AYE NIGGA IF YOU EVER THINK ABOUT TALKING TO HER IMMA KILL YOU BITCH'' kentrel yelled at the man he just throwing down, kentrel was strong for his body size I mean he wasn't small nor big but damn you would've thought he was a wrestler the way he threw that man down I didn't say anything I just watched kentrel knew I didn't like that violent shit so he never did anything like fight or yell in front of me so when kentrel through him down he got in the car immediately and took me home . When he pulled up to my house I looked at him and said ''kentrel I'm ok'' was all I said before his face softened as if  he was holding the biggest breath of his life it was like if I didn't say I was ok after a altercation he felt like he was in the wrong he shook his head and told me he'll text me I said ok and got out and went in. I walked in to my surprise nobody was home so the first place I went was the kitchen of course there was a note saying that my dad and lay went to the movies and for ice cream I was thinking that these fuckers actually left me and went to get ice cream watch me through a fit when they come back I took some leftovers and started to eat it while I was walking in to my room when I got in I almost dropped my food ''Oh my gosh kentrel what the fuck'' I said sitting my food down and undressing ''I thought you was going to text me'' I said throwing my clothes In the hamper ''I changed my mind, what you eating I want some'' he said getting up off my bed and looking to see what I had ''umm nothing for you nigga back back'' I said grabbing my plate and moving it but instead like the little child he is he started to chase me around my room while I had my plate In my hand I was laughing because the way he was trying to chase me was funny how you play ball but you can't even catch me  and the thing about it was that I only had on my sports bra on and my pink panties on. kentrel seen me naked before not naked, naked but only in a bra and underwear. After running around he caught me the way he was holding me was as if he wanted to kiss me out faces where inches apart I cleared my throat and backed away and sat on my bed ''so what's on you mind'' I said acting as if we wasn't about to kiss, his face held an unreadable expression but he snapped out it ''nothing  what's up with you'' he said laying next me I paused thinking about earlier in my head I wanted to tell kentrel that he don't have to do this he have so many chances and opportunities but one slip up with this kind of ''work'' it's over for him and I don't want that for him "umm... kentrel do you every you know think about stopping'' I said looking at him ''stopping what?'' he said in serious kind of tone I looked at him like really nigga you know what I'm talking about he must of saw the way I was looking took a long sigh ''I mean, I don't queen I'm getting paid and taking care of my pops'' he said ''I just think you should stop before you get hurt that's all I'm saying'' I said with my head down looking at my hands now he sighs and lifts up my face so that I was looking at him ''I'm going to be ok Q stop worrying ok''  he said making sure I was ok I shook my head yeah and we hugged that night we fell asleep.

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