Queen pov

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''Angela can you please zip up the back I'm struggling here'' I asked getting irritated ''nobody told you to give her the wrong size dumbass now you over her looking stupid cause your dress is tight cute but tight'' she said coming over to me and helping me I huffed at how tight the dress was but at the same time it wasn't just got to make sure I don't pass out is all ''thanks'' I said fixing the dress ''damn Queen where the hell is your cousin'' Angela said checking the time I shrugged ''she said she would be here so she could do our make up but she never said what time exact'' I told her applying my lip gloss I knew how my cousin was that girl say one thing and never do it so I did my make up myself ''but I look stupid'' I said cause Angela was ready she just need her make up done ''just let me do it I did mine'' I told her she huffed and flopped down on the chair ''QUEEN DADDY SAID NEEDED HIS OLD BRACELET'' lay came in yelling ''lay I'm right her you don't have to scream and yeah just put it there'' I told her ''what you need his bracelet for'' Ang asked me ''well it's not his it's my mom and she always wore it so I thought why not wear it tonight'' I said applying her contour ''Queen'' I hummed at her ''do you think you'll make it in the future'' she said it kind a caught me off guard at first but I answered her ''you want the truth'' I asked her she shook her head yeah I sighed and took a seat in front of her ''no, I don't think I'll make it but the time I have now is what I live for I live for my family you and kentrel there is never a day that goes that I don't think about being a couple steps of dying but I can't help that Ang'' I said I could see Ang tearing up I got up and hugged her ''please don't cry Ang... I just did your make up'' I said trying to lighten the mood up she laughed a little ''I just don't want my friend to die we all been through shit together and now I have to deal with the point that your going to die soon'' she said I got up and went under my bed and took out a box and went next to her ''can you keep a secret'' I asked her she shook her head yes I opened the box and she gasped and looked at me and I smiled at her ''this letter is for you but you have to open it when I die that's my wish and do not tell kentrel about this I was going to wait for tonight to tell him'' I told her she shook her head yes and we went back to getting ready. ''well damn queen you didn't have to stunt on them like that'' kentrel said hugging me and kissing my cheek I smiled at him ''well who knew we would come this far now do we'' I told him he saw Angela coming out the house ''well damn Ang you look....... Less terrible'' he said laughing ''shut the fuck up'' she said walking next to me ''Ang'' I heard Durian say I didn't even know he was out here he so damn quiet sometimes I looked back and saw Angela smiling hard as hell she went to him and kissed him you could tell he was caught off guard but if eventually kissed her back ''there so cute together don't you think'' I asked him he shrugged and grabbed my hand and asked my dad to take pictures of us me and Kentrel took pictures first then it was all of us, I went to my dad and hugged him and he kissed my forehead ''be safe and have fun'' he said I smiled and we left. ''they look so cute'' I said inferring to Yvette and Praise we haven't really talked to them cause everybody been in isolation due to some things but when they found out why they where there I waved them over and hugged them ''you guys are so hot'' I told them they laughed and said thank you ''hey'' I heard a familiar voice come from behind them I looked back and saw Mariah I looked and saw Angela was moving to another area with Durian I sighed and went to Mariah ''what is it Mariah'' I said in a soft tone ''I just wanted to say sorry and that I'm sorry for y'all lost'' she paused and took a deep breath ''I know what I did the last time we talked was terrible I shouldn't have put you in that situation to be honest I missed my friends I missed all of you and I should have never played praise like that I apologized to Angela and Praise and they forgave me it's just you'' I looked at her we have been friends for some time I smiled at her ''what are we standing here for let's get in here Mariah'' I told her smiling. Everybody was dancing when announcements came on everybody was now looking at the principle talking about who the winners where for prom queen and king ''Well students this has been a long journey and all I have to say is I proud of you young people you all are a couple weeks from graduating but let me hush and tell you who the winners are'' she grabbed the envelop and opened it ''tonight's prom king is....... Oh well look at this our football player kentrel'' she said smiling and clapping her hands I clapped also while kentrel went up there and took the trophy, sash, and crown ''and tonight's prom queen is........Queen as always my exceptional student'' she said I went up there and hugged her and accepted the crown, sash and trophy I went beside kentrel and held his hand ''give it up for this year Prom King and Queen'' everybody was now clapping and just like a snap of a finger things where going to.

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