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"Heh, forget about it," Yuko scratched the back of her head, "Thanks for the picture again."

She tried to brush it off as her answer just slipped out her tongue, but Kuroo stayed at where he was standing. His shoulders slightly lifted and a playful smile formed, just before he bursted out laughing.

"The hyena laugh," Kenma muttered inaudibly again and stared at the two interact.

"You took it too seriously," he said in between his chuckles and laughs, "And Daiwa-san, you're so red," he laughed even louder.

"Is it that funny?" she pouted, surprised he had that kind of laugh. It was funny on its own.

He nodded and his laughter softened and became a bit more hushed, "Kind of," he answered.

"Well, how about you, Daiwa-san? Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked.

"I don't!" she answered immediately, "Well-"

"DiA-san, the other streamers are here. Time for a photo op," one of the staff interrupted. Yuko turned around and saw the streamers return.

"Ah, I have to go now," she told the two. Kenma was eyeing on the others entering, now distracted.

"Oh," Kuroo looked around as well, "It was nice meeting you, see you around Daiwa-san."

"See you!"

By the near end of the gaming convention, though it was a fulfilling day, Yuko felt drained as ever. It was her first public appearance and without a proper manager unlike the others, it was much more difficult.

"DiA-san, the car is here. It's sponsored by the organizers," a personnel informed her as she removed her makeup in the dressing room.

"Ah, just in time. Thank you, I'll get there soon," she nodded and threw the damp cotton ball.

She glanced at her bare face in the mirror, the bright light emphasizing every little flaw. She forced a smile and put on her mask before grabbing her huge bag.

"Good work!" one of the organizers spoke as she walked out of the room, "Thank you DiA-san!"

"Thank you," she lowered her head and headed to the exit. She was relieved that the number of attendees were decreasing rapidly, meaning, she can get into the car without people recognizing her.

Meanwhile, for Kuroo and Kenma, they were already on the train home. Kuroo had a smile on his face as he held his phone, browsing through articles of DiA and youtube videos.

Meet DiA, the Japanese streamer who ranks #1 in LOLOLL

Japanese Gamer DIA Attends October  Convention

"Are you a fan now, Kuroo?" Kenma asked and looked at Kuroo.

"Totally," he answered and grabbed his earphones, "Suddenly, I'm subscriber," he said and tapped on his phone.

Hey there, welcome to another
let's play for The Last of Us.
Today, I'll just be continuing
where we left off with Joel.

"Eh, she never shows her face?" Kuroo commented.

He changed to another video and skipped the first few seconds. It was just her with a dark blue background and with a cat filter completely covering her face.

I'm kidding, I'm not discontinuing
the horror rpg series. heh.

"That's a cute giggle," Kuroo thought.

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