18 | alone

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Kuroo moved his head a little closer, with his nose slightly touching hers. "A kiss finally?" Yuko thought as she shut her eyes.

However, a loud "Tetsurou, we're home!" interrupted the moment, bringing panic and surprise to the two.

"Your grandparents?" Yuko gasped, her eyes now widening.

"Go to my room, the one on the left," Kuroo instructed and swung his head, giving her direction.

"Okay," she whispered and quickly got out from the sofa. She grabbed her bag before she rushed towards the room he pointed at. However, much to her surprise, there were two doors on the left. Which one? Yuko had to guess.

"Tetsurou, why are there, um," a masculine voice was heard, "Heels? Heels?!"

"My shoes!" Yuko gasped again and opened a random door, whichever was closer. "I placed it in the rack," she recalled.

"Oh, welcome home," Kuroo greeted nervously and headed to the doorstep where the three where, his grandparents and his father.

"Heels?" his grandmother repeated and looked at the one his father pointed to.

"Kitten heels?" she identified. "Oh, I don't remember bringing that out."

"Did you bring a girl home?" his grandfather speculated.

"No," Kuroo helplessly denied. "I'd tell you if I do," he even added.

The rest of the conversation was almost inaudible from where Yuko stood. It was a complete mistake to open this door, it just led to a small congested storage room.

She brought out her phone and put it in silent mode, just to be sure.

Daiwa_Yuuuko: im in the storage room (╥_╥)

Daiwa_Yuuuko: (╥_╥)

Kuroo walked to the living room with the three and he was relieved, knowing that his elders knew nothing about Overcooked being a two player game.

"Well, how was the check-up?" he asked.

"Your grandmother still needs to take her medicine but the doctor says her condition is improving. Same goes for Dad," his father answered as he went to the kitchen.

"Ah, I see," Kuroo spoke and nodded. "Do you want to watch TV?" he offered and exited the game.

"Yes, please," his grandfather responded and sat on the sofa. Kuroo unplugged the console and fixed everything back in place.

His grandfather grabbed the remote from the table and Kuroo tried to keep up this relaxed act. As soon as he finished cleaning up, he headed to his room, hoping Yuko was alright.

Meanwhile, Yuko was peeking, waiting for him to pass by. The storage room was opened for a bit, just enough for her to see something. The moment she had her eyes on him walking on the short hallway, she opened the door wider, prepared to snatch him inside.

It was a successful attempt though it took him by surprise again. She shut the door as silently as she could and took a deep breath afterwards.

"Y-yuko?" he whispered, quickly realizing how cramped they were in such a small space.

"I'm sorry I dragged you here but you didn't reply," she explained in a hushed voice.

"When can I get out of here?" she asked.

"They have a reunion to attend to soon," Kuroo answered, still whispering.

"Good," she said in relief, almost even forgetting she had to tone it down.

"Shhh," he warned and placed his hands on her mouth on impulse.

As she realized the mistake, she smiled nervously. As her almond shaped eyes crinkled, he felt her soft lips form into a smile through his palm.

"Yuko," he called her name. By now, he could barely take his gaze off of her and he desperately fought the urge to kiss her.

"Yes?" she mumbled and raised her brows.

Unable to resist, Kuroo moved his hand to hold her chin, lifting her head up slowly. Yuko wasn't as oblivious as he thought she was and went for it. No turning back now. She tiptoed for a bit, unused to the height difference without her heels. She tucked on the bottom of his shirt as she slowly tilted her head for a kiss.

Yuko never failed to catch him off his guard as she obliged. Kuroo's other hand made its way to her waist, pulling her much closer than she already was.

Even moments later, he wanted it to last even longer. Despite the danger and risk of getting caught making out in the storage room, they kept on going. Maybe that sense of danger even added a bit more fun, given how adventurous they are to begin with.

Yuko didn't let her hands idle around and she lifted her arm, resting it on his broad shoulder. Kuroo tilted his head to the left as she did the same, going along with her flow. She carded her fingers through his soft hair, his erogenous zone she just discovered. Kuroo's kisses got a little sloppier, a little rougher even.

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