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DaiwaYuuuko: You think so?

DaiwaYuuuko: Thank youuu ( ´ ▽ ' )ノ you look very cool too, Kuroo-san.

The two kept chatting, with neither of them minding the time.

K.Tetsurou: what else do you usually do? apart from you know, gaming.

DaiwaYuuuko: It's either I'm studying or gaming. If not, I'm probably just slacking off ಥ⌣ಥ

DaiwaYuuuko: And you?

K.Tetsurou: volleyball :)) I also play games sometime

DaiwaYuuuko: ahh as expected

DaiwaYuuuko: Wait..

K.Tetsurou: ?

DaiwaYuuuko: Gaming isn't your hobby?

K.Tetsurou: I only play sometimes

DaiwaYuuuko: How come you went to the meet and greet?

K.Tetsurou: I joined Kenma

"Is she disappointed?" Kuroo mumbled as he stared at the screen, preparing to go to school.

DaiwaYuuuko: Oh I see

"We'll go now," Yuko heard her brother open the door, followed by the voice of her sister.

"Bye bye papa, bye bye Yuyu-nee!"

"Take care on your way to school!" she raised her voice, still not batting an eye on the two.

"Shouldn't you go now too, Yuko-chan?" her father asked.

"What time is it?" she muttered and looked at the clock.

"Oh, yes, I gotta go too, Papa," she quickly stood up and hung her bag on her shoulder.

"Take care."

° ° ° ° °

20 minutes later

° ° ° ° °

"Good morning, Koko-chan," Minami, her seatmate, greeted as she placed her bag down at her chair.

Yuko put down her mask as well, revealing her no makeup look.

"Good morning, Minami-san. Stop calling me Koko," she sighed and took a seat.

"But Koko sounds cute!"

"I prefer Yuko, still," she frowned.

"Anyway, how was it? The convention? You're super popular now, you know," Minami added.

"No one knew you were a livestreamer," she continued.

"No one asked, Minami. And it's not really a big deal."

"Why would anyone ask, Hey Koko-chan, are you a streamer?" Minami chuckled and nudged her.

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