angst (continued)

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I see a lot of people request for part two. I see 😌 You have chosen pain 😌

"Kuroo," you mumbled his name but the girl beside him took notice

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"Kuroo," you mumbled his name but the girl beside him took notice. You witness her eyes widen at the sight of you and it doesn't take long until Kuroo noticed as well.

You take a step back, covering your mouth gasping out of shock, pain, and anger. "I can't fucking believe you," you managed to utter before rushed away from the gym.

"Y/N, wait! Let me explain," Kuroo exclaimed as he tried to keep up with you.

"What exactly is there to explain?!" you asked in return, pausing your run.

"Wait, please," he said, only a few feet away from you. Angered and in distress, you turned around to face him. Foolishly, you did await for an answer, as if there were words he could say that could ease the pain.

"See? There's nothing for you to explain, Kuroo," you told him.

"Your woman's waiting for you," you added and glanced at the person peeking from the gym door.

"Please, just listen to me. I don't want to lose you," he pleaded, "I'm sorry."

You turned around again, unwilling to face him for another second. You felt a throbbing pain in your heart, paired with the heavy feel of your tears piling up. You looked so vulnerable and you knew it. More reason not to face him again.

"We're over, Kuroo," you claimed with a heavy heart.

"I'm sorry. Please, please listen to me."

Kuroo knew too damn well how you could never refuse him and how much you cared for his approval. "Not anymore," you reminded yourself.

Contrary to what he expected, instead of bringing yourself closer to him, you ran. You ran as fast you could, wanting to completely disappear from his sight and from his life.

But you couldn't do that. You lived in the same city, you went to the same school, and even belonged in the same year. As much as you wanted to give yourself a new start, you couldn't.

Especially not when he's waiting outside your door under the pouring rain just an hour after your confrontation. "Y/N, please, I just want to talk with you!" he raised his voice, just loud enough for you to hear.

"Oh shut up," you groaned as you increase the volume of the TV.

"Y/N!" he exclaimed, followed by the heavier pour of rain.

You glanced at the window, slowly feeling guilty of making him stay outside. Surely he had an umbrella, right?

More guilt began to build up and you finally stood up from your seat. "Just a peek," you mumbled, "Just a quick peek. Just making sure he has an umbrella."

"Then what do I do if he doesn't have an umbrella? Give him one. Ugh, as if!" you scolded yourself as you lean towards the door to check.

And there, you realized how wrong your guess was. The poor guy doesn't even have anything to cover him from the rain.

"Damn it, Kuroo," you cursed before opening the door, giving yourself a small opening.

"Go home!" you exclaimed.

"Y/N, can you please just listen to me first?"

"Just go home!"

"Please?" he begged.


"I ended things with Ru-"

"Don't even say her name."

"I ended things with her and I rushed here right after. I need one chance, Y/N. One more chance."

You take a deep breath and fully open the door. "Kuroo," you called.

"Since when have you been cheating on me?" you asked in a stoic tone, a poor attempt to keep your emotions from pouring out.

He didn't answer.

"Kuroo. Since when have you been cheating on me?" you reiterate your question.

"Three months." A sharp sigh escaped his lips but by now, you couldn't tell if it was a genuine display of regret.

"Why? Why did you do it?"

He remained hesitant to answer.


"Kuroo," you repeated.

"I'm sorry."

"How could you? Am I, am I not enough for you? Where did I go wrong?"

"No, no," he mumbled.

"Or is it... Is it hard to love me?"

And for that question, he couldn't lie. He couldn't even respond.

"Kuroo, answer me." Now it was you pleading. Pleading for answers, for closure, for reassurance that it's fixable.

"She, she understood my love for volleyball more than anyone else," he answered.

"And I didn't?"

"Ever since we got together, you keep demanding for my time. Again and again. It's, it's so suffocating," he reasoned.

"Then why are you here? Why aren't you with her?!"

"Because I'm still in love with you. It, it was a mistake, but I'm still in love with you."

"We're over, Kuroo," you cried out.

"Wait!" he protested, preventing you from shutting the door.

"Do you not love me anymore?"

It was you who couldn't answer.

"Look at me in the eye and tell me you don't love me anymore."

"I hate you, Kuroo. I fucking hate you."

"That's not what I asked."

You knew you couldn't say those words. Because the truth it, you're madly in love with him. Still foolishly in love. It was stupid.

Unable to say anything more, you slammed the door shut. And rushed to your room. Crying. The tears just wouldn't stop.

And only as you looked at yourself in the mirror did you fully realize how empty you've become. You poured all your heart and soul for Kuroo and now that he's gone, what did you even leave for yourself? Nothing. Just an endless pit. A void.

Kuroo Tetsurou.

Maybe in another timeline, in another universe, in another life, you're fated together. Just not in this one.

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