27 | the big bang theory

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With everything clear with his ex-girlfriend, all that was left to do for Kuroo was to figure what to do with her belongings- the photo album she made for him, her letters, and the necklace he was going to give her. He opened his drawer and checked the box again and stared at jewelry. Mimori found promise rings a little too cheesy for some reason and instead of a ring, he thought of giving her a necklace with the same intents.

He kept it away once again and planned on mailing it to her instead; there was no way he would meet her again and have those painful talks. He pushed the drawer and sat on his bed, still thinking of the talk earlier.

His phone suddenly lit up due to a message from Yuko. He grabbed his phone and earphones before laying on his bed.

DaiwaYukooo: Hey Tetsu :))

K.Tetsurou: hi there kitten ;)

DaiwaYukooo: I found a good show on netflix!

K.Tetsurou: what is it?

DaiwaYukooo: The Big Bang Theory. Apparently, its full of science and nerdy jokes. And nerds.

K.Tetsurou: wanna watch it?

DaiwaYukooo: Yes of course (⌒▽⌒)

DaiwaYukooo: How about this Saturday? Can we watch it at your place? Ryo's gonna freak out if we watch it here.

K.Tetsurou: netflix and chill on saturday, got it baby

DaiwaYukooo: What

K.Tetsurou: nothing

DaiwaYukooo: what

K.Tetsurou: its like saying "want to have ramen in my place?" but thats what they say in other countries or something

DaiwaYukooo: Oh

DaiwaYukooo: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

DaiwaYukooo: joke

DaiwaYukoo: But do you really want to watch it with me?

K.Tetsurou: yes I seriously want to watch it with you haha

DaiwaYukooo: Great! Then I'll see you on Saturday baby

K.Tetsurou: baby?

DaiwaYukooo: You're baby

Later that night, Yuko applauded herself for being able to keep up with Kuroo's constant teasing. As they both called it a day to finally sleep, she placed her phone on the bedside table, unfortunately back to her overthinking with no one to talk to.

"Why isn't he saying anything about Mimori? He said he'll talk to her," she mumbled.

"And other than that, I haven't even planned anything for his birthday," she worried, now tossing and turning on the bed.

"What if making him talk to her would make this worse?" she realized, "Will he come back to her?" she paused and grabbed her phone again.

"I mean, I gotta admit, she is pretty," she thought as she opened her social media app. "And she's her first love, right?"

Saturday came quickly yet her insecurity wasn't fading away. She wanted to say it out loud but she was well aware of how mean she could get, aka her tsundere mode.

Yuko knocked on the door and read the nameplate nearby, Kuroo. She straightened her shorts and waited for him.

"Hello there, kitten," Kuroo greeted as he opened the door. He seemed a little nervous, like it was just their first date. "You're, uh, a little early."

"Hey Tetsu," she greeted him back, now raising the bag of snacks she brought with her.

"Oh, you even brought snacks?" he commented as she stood. Something was wrong.

"Yep, lots of them," she flaunted happily before giving him a peck on the cheeks.

"Tetsu?" Yuko heard that annoying feminine voice again from the back. The voice sent shivers down his spine and there was no use hiding it. As much as Yuko wanted to doubt what she heard, it was definitely Mimori's.

"Wow," she mumbled upon seeing a glimpse of Mimori behind, wearing a pink top and a plaid mini skirt. "Wow, Kuroo," she gasped under her breath.

"Yuko, please, I, I can explain," he pleaded with a face mixed with annoyance and worry.

Yuko immediately responded, her brows furrowing. "No," she rejected his request as she shook her head, her foot taking a step back. "No," she repeated, her eyes getting quite glassy.

"It's not what it looks like, I promise," Kuroo pleaded once again.

She quickly turned around, ready to leave. Feeling a lump on her throat from her emotions piling up, she walked away from his house, not even looking back. Kuroo's mind went completely blank and it was unknown to him what he needed to do. Knowing her, should she be given alone time? Or should he run after her?

"Tetsu?" Mimori broke the silence.

"This is all your fault!" Kuroo exclaimed and turned around at her. "If you didn't barge in my house for no legitimate reason at all-" he continued, raising his voice. "You told me you'd leave me and Yuko alone," he added, now in a softer, more vulnerable sounding tone.

As he poured his anger and frustration at the girl seated near the kitchen, Yuko headed straight back home, heartbroken.

"Welcome back," Ryo greeted her from the laundry room. "If you don't mind, can you cook dinner tonight?"

"Yuyu-nee, thanks for the tamagotchi. You placed it near my bed last night, didn't you?" Yua followed.

"You're welcome. I hope you like it," she crouched down and spoke to the younger, trying her best to put on a smile.

"What's wrong, Yuyu-nee?" It was a futile attempt. The girl quickly noticed her sister's sadness.

"Nothing's wrong," Yuko answered, right before Yua extends her arms for an embrace. "Don't cry, Yuyu-nee," she even said. The older didn't even notice a tear run down her cheek, followed by another.

"Yuko? Crying?" It bothered Ryo. He put down the laundry baskets and paused his activity of separating colors.

He walked to the living room, only to see Yuko strangely getting comforted by their youngest. Yuko couldn't contain her tears and kept sobbing, clueless as to where she lacked or where it all went wrong.

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