26 | the one that got away

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After dinner, Kuroo insisted on taking her home, though she reluctantly agreed on it, saying he also had classes the next morning. Just before they reached the front door of her house, he snapped a picture of her, claiming it was for their dating announcement.

"I'll go inside now, thanks for the dinner, Tetsu," Yuko spoke before getting her keys. "It was really nice seeing you practice too."

"W-wait, why did you go to my training by the way? Did you just, uh, miss me or something?"

"Can I not?" she nervously asked in return and scratched the back of her head.

"I was just asking, I was really happy when I saw you, I swear," Kuroo reassured.

"Well, I, I just wanted to see you," she answered, trying not to stutter. What a terrible liar Yuko was.

"Aw, what a sweetheart," he chuckled and slightly ruffled her hair. "Showing up like that just because," he added in between.

"I really gotta go now, Tetsu," she spoke as she held her keys.

"Alright, see you around, baby."

Just as Yuko turned around to unlock the door, Kuroo continued his sentence, "Wait, wait."

"Yes?" She raised a brow and looked back at him.

"Can I get a little something before I go?" Kuroo requests, though it sounded more like an order. He let out a smirk, visibly trying to tease the now flustered girl.

Yuko obliged and tiptoed, assuming he wanted a peck on the cheek. She pressed her hand on his chest as support, and let the other idle on her sides. Kuroo, however, had a different idea, an even more daring one. The moment she tiptoed, his hands cupped her cheeks and lifted her head, guiding the positioning of her face.

He leaned in closer to her as so did she and he felt the warmth of her peach colored lips. He closed his eyes, savoring the next few seconds he had left with her, while she helplessly tried to process everything- Kuroo's lips on hers, his hand holding her cheeks, and now his other hand trailing her waist to hold her closer. Yuko kissed him back, her lips following his rhythm, going with the flow.

By now, adventurous and daring would be the perfect words to describe the two, especially with them kissing on the front door, where either Yua or Ryo could show up any minute now, or even both.

As Yuko pulled back, she found her boyfriend smirking proudly though he was ironically the same blushing mess like her. "That's the little something I was talking about. Good girl. Another one maybe?" he teased and even winked.

"How demanding, Tetsu," she commented in a hushed voice. Narrowing her eyes and letting out a cheeky smile, Yuko gave him a quick peck on the nose instead. "Good night, my Tetsu."

"Good night, kitten," he said before letting go of her. "I'll see you soon again."

kuroo residence

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