10 | dreaming

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A few days later, the tweets and rumours still kept on flooding Yuko's notifications. Unexpectedly, Kuroo didn't put his account on private, maybe because it would make it much more suspicious. Strange enough, people were starting to notice him, not just for the dating rumours, but because of that one old instagram post revealing his face.

K.Tetsurou: good morning kitten, are you up?

Kuroo messaged her first thing after waking up as his messages slowly became part of his morning routine. He held his phone with one hand and yawned, waiting for her usually quick replies.

DaiwaYuuuko: Good morning Tetsu-kun! Did you sleep well?

K.Tetsurou: haha yeah. had a dream about you

Yuko read the sentence again, making sure she was understanding it correctly. Kuro, on the other hand, was imagining Yuko's rare flustered look.

"Is this," she muttered, "Pe.." she couldn't get herself to say it. "Pervy?" she thought, her mind slowly going blank.

DaiwaYuuuko: What's the dream about?

K.Tetsurou: ah, I forgot already 😗

DaiwaYuuuko: Really? (╥_╥)

K.Tetsurou: yeah, really

Kuroo sneered, he enjoyed teasing Yuko.

DaiwaYuuuko: I wonder what that means

K.Tetsurou: ?

DaiwaYuuuko: When you dream of someone.

DaiwaYuuuko: Does it mean you miss someone? Or the other way around?

K.Tetsurou: kitten, do I miss you or is it the other way around?

DaiwaYuuuko: That's not what I meant (╥_╥)

K.Tetsurou: hahaha im messing with you. its very cute.

DaiwaYuuuko: It's a serious question though ╥﹏

K.Tetsurou: okay but seriously, there really isn't much known about why humans dream.

K.Tetsurou: there are a lot of theories, some are more on purposes on the emotions

K.Tetsurou: for example, we dream to forget. or we dream to get over a traumatic experience because pain isn't felt on dreams

DaiwaYuuuko: Oh my god

"Nice, I sound like a complete nerd," Kuroo remarked upon seeing how much he said.

DaiwaYuuuko: You're really smart Tetsu-kun!

K.Tetsurou: A smart nerd?

"Now that just sounds dumb," he sighed.

DaiwaYuuuko: Tetsu-kun, can you tell me more about dreams?

K.Tetsurou: really? this stuff doesn't bore you?

DaiwaYuuuko: Nope

"You're telling me, he's smart and athletic, and nice too?" Yuko gasped in awe.

The next day, Yuko decided to post her scheduled video, which is completely unrelated to dating rumours. It was just another playthrough of the survival game, "Hello Neighbor."

Kuroo's game was in a day and she thought of what to wear. Should it be flashy? Simple? Casual? She searched it up online, and even looked through Youtube Lookbooks to decide.

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