21 | new leaf

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"Mom, I have some news for you," Yuko spoke and crouched with her fingers gripping on a small bouquet of flowers.

"There's this guy I like so I asked him out. He said yes to me so, mom, I have my first boyfriend," she shared and placed the bouquet on the ground.

"He's a nice guy too. Smart and charming," she added and stared at the engravement, Daiwa Ryuka.

"Also, Yua's turning 7 next week, Mom. She often still wants me to tell stories about you."

Yuko paused from her short storytelling and remained silent, appreciating how tranquil and peaceful the afternoon was. She had her eyes glued on the engravement, reminiscing moments with her mother.

Minutes later, Yuko decided to call it a day and she stood up, ready to go home. "Good bye. I'll go back next week, Mom," she remarked before lowering her head. She put on her mask as she walked to the bus station, not wanting to be recognized.

kuroo household

As for Kuroo, he went back to his room right after that conversation. He headed to his drawers and pulled the one of the bottom, the one with the black handle. There was only one thing placed in that small space; his memory box with Mimori. It was time to keep it away and return them.

However, the sentimental feelings building up was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. He closed the drawer again and picked up his phone, checking who it was. kitten.

"Hey, what's up?" he answered and sat on the bed.

"Tetsu," she called his name. "I'm home, you told me to tell you."

"Yuyu-nee, where's my tamagotchi?" Kuroo heard Yua's voice nearby.

"Yeah, I did. But you miss me already, kitten? You called?" he teased.

"Whatever," she chuckled. "What are you doing?"

"Uh," Kuroo eyed on the drawer he was checking out, he didn't want to bring his ex up. "Just organizing my room."

"Oh, ah, then you should go on, I'll call you again later," Yuko said. "I'll stream too, so I might be a little busy."

"I'll be watching, kitten."

"Okay okay, bye bye!"

"Yuko, I thought it was your turn to do the laundry?" Kuroo heard another voice, it was definitely Ryo's.

"I did the laundry for you last week!" Yuko covered her phone and exclaimed.

"Anyways, I'll go now," Yuko spoke to Kuroo, nicely this time.

"Okay," Kuroo let out a chuckle, amused with Ryo and Yuko's bickering.

"I do everything in this house," Ryo groaned and complained.

"Bye," Kuroo added. "You can hang up now."

Yuko giggled, she only watched this whole "No, you hang up" kind of thing on TV.

"No, you hang up, Tetsu," she teased, to which Kuroo responded with a muffled chuckle.

"I'll really hang up, you know."

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