29 | smoothie

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Kuroo eagerly waited for a reply but to his dismay, Yuko insisted on ignoring him. In fact, the only response he ever 'received' was a tweet about a song she listened to.

As for Mimori, his short scolding before made her rethink about things thoroughly, and the mess she allegedly caused

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As for Mimori, his short scolding before made her rethink about things thoroughly, and the mess she allegedly caused. He blocked her on social media, including all their means of communication, purely out of anger. He regretted that he maybe he should have done this before, but he hoped he wasn't too late.

Mimori knew she repeatedly tried to get him back at all the wrong ways but also realized that she had done these in all the worst timings. She was left with two choices, to continue the havoc she was causing or fix it for them.

Tyler, the Creator
Thank you for the love
Thank you for the joy
But I don't ever wanna
fall in love again

Thank you for the time
Thank you for your mind
But I don't ever wanna
fall in love again

Yuko increased the volume of her earphones as she walked down the stairs alone. She wore a mask, as always, and headed to the lockers to get her shoes.

Later on, she walked towards the school gate to go straight back home but a particular figure caught her eye. It was Mimori again and she stood near the walls, seemingly waiting for someone. That someone turned out to be her, as seen from the surprised look on Mimori's face upon seeing her.

"What do you want?" Yuko asked, demanding an immediate answer.

"It seems like DiA isn't so nice after all," Mimori scoffed, then smiled. "I came here for you."

"Answer the damn question. You're here for that talk again?"

"Fine, fine."


"I'll just clarify my relationship with Tetsu," she began, "I meant, Kuroo. It seems like there has been a big misunderstanding, um, caused by me."

"Misunderstanding," Yuko scoffed. "Wow."

"Can we talk somewhere a little more, how do you call this, a little more private?" Mimori asked and looked at her left; people were staring.

That's how they strangely ended up in the second floor of a cafe, seated facing each other. Yuko had never anticipated dining with her nor did she ever think of being confronted either. As Mimori stirred her drink, Yuko pressed her with questions, crossing her arms.

"What do you want to tell me?" she asked.

"I wanted to clarify the misunderstanding, Daiwa-san."

"What can you possibly say that can alleviate the situation?"

"Alleviate?" she tilted her head.

"Just go say it," Yuko groaned, now furrowing her brows.

"I just want to tell you. I just went to his place to return his stuff and so I can get mine too."

"I know."

"And I'm sorry, Daiwa-san," she continued. "As much as I hate to admit this, I think Kuroo genuinely chose you."


"I wanted him to choose me. Me, his first love, first kiss, you know, first everything."

"That part isn't helping you in your apology," she clicked her tongue.

"I just wanted him to choose me. But he, well, obviously, already made a decision."

"We weren't competing over a guy," Yuko corrected. "You were out of the picture in the first place."

"I get it, I get it."

"Just leave me alo-"

"That's why I called him over."

"Kitten? Yuko?" she heard her name get called from behind, probably from the stairs.

"Well, I'll see you around, Daiwa-san. Thanks for giving me your spare time. Take care of Kuroo please," Mimori spoke before taking her leave.

"Yuko," she heard his voice again, she didn't know how to react at all. She knew he was just right behind her.

"I found you, finally," Kuroo spoke as he hugged her from behind, boldly even in public. She also noticed that he was slightly out of breath for some reason.

"T-Tetsu?" she blurted out his name as he broke his embrace and quickly sat down in front of her.

Yuko slid down her mask and stared at Kuroo facing her. "What are you doing here?" she inquired.

"Mimori told me you were here in this cafe and I could finally see you again. So I went here as quickly as I can," he explained.

Yuko fiddled with her hands; she was unprepared for this. "I see," she muttered. "Do you also have something to say?"

"Lots, and lots, and lots," he exaggerated. "And I missed your voice, your face, and-"

"Anyway," he spoke, "I don't know if you listened to the voice mails I sent you."

"I did."

"Oh, you did?" he confirmed, visibly surprised.


"So you heard that, I, I love you," he repeated his message, stuttering.

"I love you too, Kuroo, but-"

"Wait, hold that thought, you just said it back," he cut her off. "You really said it back, wow."

"Yes but, Kuroo, I can't keep dealing with the same problem again and again," Yuko elaborated.

"She's not going to be a problem anymore. I promise. I really promise you that," he vowed.

"Those words are reassuring, they really are," she remarked with a nod. "But how much can I trust those words?"

"Give me a chance, Yuko. I won't let you down again, baby," he guaranteed  with his signature suave smile. "Please?"

Unsure what answer to give him, she crouched for a bit and sipped on her smoothie. Meanwhile, Kuroo instantly opened the sealed straw on the table and placed it on her smoothie to take a sip as well. A scene straight from a korean drama.

"Please, baby?" he repeated after a sip.

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