20 | a stray

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It was two in the morning and all Mimori could do was stare at her window, gazing at the stars and the lone moon. The pain she felt in her head as almost always unbearable, but her insomnia never allowed her to sleep it all off.

She turned around, now observing the framed photo sitting by her desk. A photo of her and her sister on the left, and a photo of her with Kuroo on the right.

The thought of how easily life could take someone away from her always left Mimori speechless. She lifted the two photos, reminiscing such good memories of the past. She was determined to make things right.

So the next afternoon, after barely getting an inch of sleep, she headed straight to the Kuroo household. On her way to the front door, she eyed on the familiar and comforting figure standing there but what she didn't expect was another girl clinging on his arms. She recognized her easily, it was the same one she saw yesterday.

"Kitten, let me take you home," Kuroo offered as she fixed her hair.

"I swear, I'll be fine on my own," Yuko reassured and retracted her arm from clinging on to his. "I need to go somewhere else before going home."

"And where is that?"

"I'll explain it to you soon," she answered with a smile. "It's nothing to worry about."

Kuroo's eyes narrowed, he couldn't exactly figure what she was trying to say. "Really?" was all he could blurt out.

"Yes, really."

"Text me when you get home then," he finally obliged, much to her relief.

"I will," she spoke with a nod.

"Well then," Kuroo muttered and leaned closer to her. "Take care," he remarked before leaving another kiss on her forehead.

"Y-yes!" she exclaimed, all hyped and excited from his second forehead kiss. It wasn't too hard for Kuroo to notice how much she liked those kisses either.

"S-see you!" she exclaimed again before taking her leave. "Bye bye!" she said with a wave.

Mimori had to leave. The moment she saw Yuko standing on the doorstep beside him, she knew she reappeared in his life a little too late.

She gripped on the handbag that hung on her shoulder and sighed before taking a step back to leave. However, the sound of someone calling her last name froze her on the spot.


She turned around, only to see Kuroo standing on the doorstep with a disappointed expression written all over his face. He didn't even bother concealing it from her.

"Tetsu," she called him back and approached.

"Don't call me that now," he spoke with a dead tone, completely contrary to how he spoke with Yuko. "Please." It made her pause, not knowing what to say.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, maintaining the coldness of his voice.

"How did you know I was here?" she returned the question.

"Light colors like yellow doesn't help you getting unnoticed," he answered. "Can you give me an answer to my question too?"

"I wanted to talk," she answered.

"We already did last night," he denied her again and turned around to get his hands back on the doorknob.

"I didn't get to tell you something," she tried stopping him.


"I didn't disappear in your life just because I wanted to," she revealed, her eyes already getting glassy with tears piling up.

"Huh?" he muttered as he swayed his head.

"My sister got into an accident so I had to stop going to school," she continued.

"I didn't want to leave you but everything back then was a complete blur. I didn't know what to do," she added.

Kuroo just stood there, not wanting to believe his ears. "Miyu-san got into an accident?"

"She lost her leg," she confirmed.

"Then why didn't you tell me? I could have been there for you but-"

"I didn't know what to do, okay?" she defended.

"And why now of all times? Now that I'm okay, you think you can go enter my life again?"

"You're okay with the way things are?"

"Yes!" Kuroo raised his voice.

"But I'm still in love with you, Kuroo. That's why I want you back."

"Come back to me," she cried.

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