4 | good morning

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Two days after the convention, Yuko recorded and edited 3 videos to be uploaded over the weekdays. She was just like any other 18 year old after all, apart from her persona as DiA.

Yuko grabbed her bag and fixed the collar of her uniform before exiting her room.

"Oh, papa," she mumbled at the sight of her dad walking pass the stairs, "Good morning."

"Yuyu-chan, aren't you up a little too early?" he paused and looked at her go down.

"I slept a little too early last night, that's why," she answered and headed to the dining room.

"Okay, okay," he said and went to the living room to watch the news.

"Papa, would you like a sandwich?" she raised her voice, forgetting that her two siblings were still sleeping.

"Sure," he answered.

"Yuko-chan, make me a sandwich too please," Ryo instructed. He just came out of his room.

"Eh, you're already awake?" she turned around and put down the loaves of bread.

"I have training," he answered and sat next to their father.

As Yuko grabbed the spread from the fridge, she heard a loud notification ding from her phone.

K.Tetsurou sent you a message!

"Oh?" her eyes slightly widened and unlocked her phone to read it.

K.Tetsurou: hello daiwa-san, good morning

"A good morning text? From Kuroo-san?" she mumbled and placed the spread on the table.

DaiwaYuuuko: Good morning, Kuroo-san! (⌒▽⌒

Yuko proceeded on making sandwiches, and grabbed the knife. However, seconds later, she was distracted by the notification ding again, followed by another.

K.Tetsurou: you're already up at this hour?

K.Tetsurou: by the way, can you send me our pic together?

Yuko placed the sandwiches on a plate before grabbing her phone to reply.

DaiwaYuuuko: I mean, you're up this early too, Kuroo-san. And yes, I'll send you the pic. Wait.

K.Tetsurou: take your time, daiwa-san

Yuko headed to the living room to give them their sandwiches, then returned to the dining room.

DaiwaYuuuko sent you a photo!

Meanwhile, upon receiving the picture, Kuroo saved it on his phone. He looked at it, and saw how close she was leaning on him.

DaiwaYuuuko: There. Our pic with Kenma-san.

K.Tetsurou: thanks! you look pretty as lux

DiA in the background:
Alright, so, that's all for today.
I've already built this weird house
and maybe, I'll go for a challenge
on the next video.

Kuroo was watching one of her videos where she played a game he was a little familiar with.

DaiwaYuuuko: Thank youuu. By the way, are you also K.Tetsurou on instagram?

Kuroo paused the video and stared at the screen, remembering the flowery words he commented on her live video.

K.Tetsurou: oh, yes, I use the same username

DaiwaYuuuko: Okay! I'll follow you there

DaiwaYuuuko: If you don't mind, that is

K.Tetsurou: of course I don't mind

Yuko smiled at her phone as she read his messages. She continued typing, not minding her brother entering the dining room.

"You have a boyfriend or something, Yuko?" Ryo asked and opened one of the cupboards.

"Huh?" she raised her head and looked at him getting cookies.

"Dad, Yuko has a boyfriend now!" he raised his voice.

"What? No!"

"Huh? Boyfriend? Yuko, do you have a boyfriend?" their dad joined them in the dining room.

"I don't, Ryo's just kidding!" she defended as the notification bell of her phone was heard from across the room.

"It's school-related!" she protested.

"I didn't even say anything," Ryo looked at her with a smirk.

"I knew this day would come," their father sighed and shook his head.


K.Tetsurou: I followed you on instagram too. congrats on 4.5M

DaiwaYuuuko: Oh, 4.5M? :O

DaiwaYuuko: thank you (>y<)

She tried not to smile, knowing that her brother and father were looking.

"Good morning, Acchan," Yuko heard her father greet the little girl walking down the stairs.

"Good morning, papa," she said in a sleepy voice and let out a yawn.

"Good morning Ryo-nii, Yuyu-nee-chan," she greeted the two and sat down.

K.Tetsurou: well? Do you have any plans for today?

DaiwaYuuuko: I have school today

K.Tetsurou: oh same

Kuroo sighed at his own awkward response. Of course he'd have school. It was a Tuesday.

K.Tetsurou: do you also go to a school in tokyo? or did you come all the way to tokyo for the convention?

DaiwaYuuuko: I also live in Tokyo! I go to Itachiyama (´∀')

K.Tetsurou: really?? itachiyama?? then why are you a fan of nekoma hahaha

Yuuko tilted her head, not really getting the question.

DaiwaYuuuko: Honestly, I just went to one of your matches with my brother.

DaiwaYuuuko: You were so cool, Kuroo-san! I became a fan instantly

K.Tetsurou: Really?

DaiwaYuuuko: I meant, a fan of Nekoma (╥_╥)

K.Tetsurou: isn't your school supposed to be top secret info though?

DaiwaYuuuko: What's the point ╥﹏╥ They all know my face now anyway ╥﹏╥

K.Tetsurou: aw, are you shy, daiwa-san?

DaiwaYuuuko: Kind of ╥﹏╥

K.Tetsurou: but you look so pretty

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