6 | kuroo and the yukos

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DaiwaYuuuko: A date?

DaiwaYuuuko: Yep yep, I'm free, Kuroo-san! ( ´ ▽ ' )ノ

K.Tetsurou: great, is there someplace you'd like to go?

DaiwaYuuuko: Anywhere would be nice (・∀・)

K.Tetsurou: really?

DaiwaYuuuko: Yup!

K.Tetsurou: then would you like to watch a movie with me?

"A movie date?!" Yuko gasped, rolling over on her bed.

DaiwaYuuuko: Let's gooo~

K.Tetsurou: is there a movie you want to watch?

DaiwaYuuuko: Horror movies are my favorites (・∀・)

K.Tetsurou: oh wow

DaiwaYuuuko: (・∀・)

K.Tetsurou: should I pick you up?

"R-really? He's going to pick me up?" Yuko thought, deliberating on what to say. "Ryo's going to be so irritating once he finds out."

DaiwaYuuuko: Is that really okay with you?

K.Tetsurou: yeah, I mean, I asked you out on a date so

"Tetsurou, time for dinner," Kuroo heard his father from downstairs.

"Okay!" he raised his voice as Yuko sent her address.

K.Tetsurou: see ya tomorrow, daiwa-san

DaiwaYuuuko: You can call me Yuko you know

K.Tetsurou: I gotta go now, yuko-san

DaiwaYuuuko: Okay, bye then (´∀') See you tomorrow!

Yuko turned off her phone and began her skincare routine as she hummed a random tune. She looked at herself in the mirror with a smile.

"Does he see me as DiA or Yuko?" she wondered as she pat her face.

"Am I going as DiA or Yuko?" she closed her eyes and washed the cleanser off her face.

"Will he like me as Yuko?" she asked again, now wiping her face with a towel.

Upon finishing her routine, Yuko laid on her bed again.

"5 Cute Date Outfits."

She tapped on one of the sites, to decide on what to wear on her first date.

"What's his type anyway?"

° ° ° ° °

Kuroo Residence
the next day

° ° ° ° ° °


I'll be going now," Kuroo spoke before opening the door.

"Take care," he heard the voice of his grandmother from the dining room.

He went out a little earlier than he planned, wanting to leave a good impression for her. He even wore his best casual clothes for today, a gray tee tucked in his pants, paired with his new navy blue jacket.

It didn't take too long for Kuroo to find her address, since she even provided him landmarks and precise directions. Kuroo noticed how meticulous she could get with details.

As he reached the front porch, he read the characters near the door.

Daiwa, he read.

He knocked on the door, getting quite eager to see her. He straightened his posture and readied, only to see a smaller version of Yuko open the door.

"Chibi Yuko," he commented upon seeing her. She had the same eye and hair color, but definitely with chubbier cheeks and a less defined nose.

"Who are you, mister?" she spoke in an adorably bubbly voice.

"Yua-chan, didn't I tell you not to open doors even when I'm here?" Kuroo heard a masculine voice getting louder.

"Flower boy Yuko!" he thought, observing his masculine yet subtle and soft features. A pretty boy.

"Um, and you are?" Ryo spoke, raising a brow and tilting his head.

"I didn't know Daiwa-san-" Kuroo mumbled.


"Ah, good morning, I'm Kuroo Tetsurou. Is Daiwa-san home?" Kuroo spoke, trying to sound friendly as possible.

"I'm Daiwa Ryo," Ryo knitted his brows.

"And I'm Daiwa Yua!" the little girl exclaimed with a smile.

"Ryo-nii, I told you I'd get it! I was in the bathroom!" Yuko raised her voice and hurried downstairs.

"Oh, hello, Yuko-san," Kuroo smiled and greeted.

"Ah, so you do have a boyfriend!" Ryo exclaimed and shook his head.

Yuko rushed to the doorstep with her hair still quite damp. She was wearing a plain colored top and a flowy skirt.

"None of your business," she clicked her tongue, "He's not my b-boyfriend."

"Yet," Yuko thought.

"I asked Yuko-san out on a date," Kuroo admitted.

"So you are dating my sister," Ryo looked back at him, annoyed.

"I'd like to," Kuroo added, further annoying the older.

"Kuroo-san, let's go now," Yuko tossed her towel to the living room and grabbed her bag.

"Take care, Yuyu-nee, Ondori-nii! Rooster-nii!"

"Kuroo-nii?" Kuroo repeated as Yuko exited the house and closed the door on them, "Yuyu-nee?"

"Acchan calls almost every other adult -nee or -nii, plus she gives nicknames," she explained and walked away from the house.

"So she calls me rooster now?" Kuroo chuckled, "It's my hair, isn't it?"

"W-wait, I hope that doesn't offend you," she slowed down and worried.

"Of course not, but my hair's really like this," he reassured and let out another chuckle.

"Sorry about my brother too, by the way," she added, "He's annoying when it comes to dating."

"It's okay, really," he reassured her again.

She looked at him as she finally increased the pace of her walk. It was just the second time they really got to meet, and she caught herself admiring his view from close up.

"Yeah?" Kuroo asked.

"You look really cool, Kuroo-san," she admitted in a playful tone.

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