9 | kuroo and the fans

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The next day, Yuko planned the spend half of her day gaming, half of it studying. She finished her morning routine and proceeded to her desk to review and redo her notes. That is, until she heard several and annoying notification dings from her phone.

misamifurukawa sent you a message!

She unlocked her phone to check it out and read the message.

misamifurukawa: You're dating someone???

DaiwaYuuuko: What?

misamifurukawa: look!

Yuko waited for her message and stared at the screen.

Yuko waited for her message and stared at the screen

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"Oh my god," Yuko reacted upon seeing the screenshots

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"Oh my god," Yuko reacted upon seeing the screenshots.

misamifurukawa: well, you're dating this K.Tetsurou???? Who is he????

misamifurukawa: how mysterious !!

Yuko was just staring at the photos, not sure how to react. Her first concern, however, was Kuroo.

She quickly switched apps and messaged Kuroo.

DaiwaYuuuko: Hey Tetsu-kun

As for Kuroo, he was already reading through tweets about "fan theories" on Yuko's lovelife.

"Everything's a big deal," Kuroo commented as he continued reading. They were full of mixed reactions and  his scrolling was endless.

 They were full of mixed reactions and  his scrolling was endless

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DaiwaYuuuko: I've read the tweets

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DaiwaYuuuko: I've read the tweets. I am so sorry. Are you okay??

Kuroo's eyes widened a little as he saw Yuko's message. He was delighted to see her so worried for him, thought it was her he was worrying for more.

K.Tetsurou: I'm okay, kitten

K.Tetsurou: are you okay? wont this affect your fanbase though?

DaiwaYuuuko: That doesn't matter

DaiwaYuuuko: I'm so sorry, some comments are really awful. I'm so so sorry

K.Tetsurou: its okay, I told you

DaiwaYuuuko: It is NOT okay (╥_╥)

DaiwaYuuuko: Some of their comments are totally unacceptable!!

K.Tetsurou: you're angrier than me, kitten

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