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"Really?" Yuko asked with a matching smirk. "And what are we gonna do there, Tetsu?" she went along with him.

"Just video games if you want."

And Kuroo and Yuko really did play videogames after a sweet breakfast date.

"Where are your parents? Or something?" Yuko asked as she sat on the couch. Kuroo was handling something on the kitchen, probably getting her a drink.

"My grandparents are out on a check-up and my dad's assisting them," Kuroo answered and stepped inside the living room.

"Oh, thanks," Yuko said as he handed her a drink. Kuroo got something from one of the cabinets, a console, perhaps.

"Well, what are we playing?" she asked as he set up the playstation.

"I bought a new game, I thought it was nice for two people," he answered and sat down next to Yuko, with two controllers on his hands.

"Try not to overwhelm me, pro gamer," Kuroo teased and moved closer to her despite all the space in the sofa.

"I'm not a pro," Yuko denied, ironically with a mocking face.

"Just number 1 in LOLOL, right."

"Kind of," Yuko confirmed and nodded.

"Kind of," Kuroo repeated and looked at her doubtfully.

"Oh, Overcooked?" Yuko read the title on the screen.

"Yup," he said and handed her a controller.

"Do you know how to play this?"

"Not really," she answered. "So be gentle with me, Tetsu."

Upon hearing, Kuroo quickly looked at her with a smirk on his face. Yuko, still clueless, raised a brow. "I mean, I'm probably not good at this," she clarified.

"I'll be gentle with you, kitten."

"I, I meant the criticism," she clarified again, slowly realizing what she just said.

"Yeah, what else?" Kuroo chuckled before pressing the start button.

The music changed, a cue it was about to begin. "First stage is going to be easy," he informed.

"R-right." Yuko nodded.

Yuko was turning red from his sneaky remarks and it was just the second time for the day. She couldn't exactly see her reflection, but she knew she was a blushing mess.

It was hard to hide anything from the ever so observant Kuroo, even as they played. It didn't take a second glance from him to see how bashful she became.

"Yuko, go to the left, I'll handle the stuff here," Kuroo instructed, trying to make her loosen up again.

"Y-yeah," Yuko said and did as she was told with her character.

"I think we're doing pretty well with the cooking," he complimented.

"It's the first level, Tetsu," she spoke before letting out a soft giggle, the one he adored hearing.

"Do you cook, Tetsu?" Yuko asked.

"I'm cooking now."

"Whatever," she chuckled and shook her head.

"I sometimes cook, just sometimes," he finally took it seriously.

"Great, 'cause I can only cook two dishes," she commented just before the level ended.

"Oh? Are you implying something, kitten?" Kuroo bat an eye on her.

"A future with you, yeah," she thought but there was no way she'd actually blurt that out.

"No," she denied as the 'Time's Up!' bubble popped up in the screen.

"Really?" he placed the controller down at the table and faced her.

"Uhuh." She nodded and swayed her head to the left, shying away from him.

"Kitten," Kuroo called in a deeper hushed tone. It was music to her ears.

"Kitten," he repeated, now getting closer to her, cornering the poor Yuko to the edge of the couch.

"Tetsu," she said it back and quickly faced him, initially not realizing how close he was from her. Just a few milimeters was the distance that kept them away, so close, they both thought.

Yuko suddenly facing him caught Kuroo completely off guard. His eyes widened a bit, expressing his surprise, with a light blush unknowingly appearing on his cheeks.  This was the first time Kuroo has gotten this close to her and for the first time, he felt his heart skip a beat for her. Was it the first time, really? Kuroo was left to wonder.

Her brown eyes glimmered, almost like sparkling, and he observed every feature, every detail of Yuko's face and complexion. Yuko was no different as she was fully stunned by Kuroo. Her heart was acting up today, quite making her a little bit more breathless than usual.

I like you, words neither couldn't possibly spill out, though, perhaps not anymore.

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