11 | match

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nekoma highschool

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Yuko walked around the hallways  wearing her best clothes today to hopefully impress Kuroo. She straightened the fluffing of her skirt and took a deep breath before opening the door that lead to the gym. She entered the gym and looked around on the audience area, searching for him.

"Oh, DiA," Kenma tugged Kuroo's sleeve to get his attention. Kuroo quickly turned around upon hearing her name and spotted her from afar.

"Oh, Yuko!" he raised his voice. "Yuko!" he repeated, now getting noticed.

"Oh, Tetsu-kun," she greeted and smiled at him. "Hello!" Yuko added.

Kuroo waved at her and she did the same. "I'm glad you came here," he spoke and approached the area she was in.

"Of course, Tetsu-kun," she looked down and spoke. "Good luck on your game!"

"He has a girlfriend?" Lev asked and looked at the two talk. "I guess so," one of them answered. "R-really?!"

"Can I take you to dinner after?" Kuroo boldly asked, even knowing that he could be heard by the others.

"Sure!" she answered enthusiastically with a nod. "I'll be watching the entire game."

The game shortly started afterwards and Yuko had her eyes glued on Kuroo. "He's so cool," she muttered as he gathered his team.

"Maybe I should really ask him out," Yuko half-heartedly thought as the game began.

Despite the audience area being almost empty, Yuko had the guts to cheer him on. As embarrassing as cheering alone was, given Yuko's loud personality, it didn't fluster her. Kuroo didn't mind it as well, especially when she was so obvious in admiring his serves and blocks.

Kuroo was on his best form today, making Yuko fangirl over him even more.

"Oh, isn't that DiA?" Yuko heard murmurs again. "Yeah, it's DiA. So it's true?" they added.

Yuko furrowed her brows upon hearing them and glanced at the two girls wearing a Nekoma high school uniform. "She's dating Kuroo-senpai?" she heard. "Seriously? No way."

She clicked her tongue, still unused to people talking about her.

"But I heard Kuroo-senpai and the cute third year are still a thing."

"Oh, really?"

"I saw them together recently. They're a nice match!"

Yuko's furrowed brows lifted, her eyes now gleaming with curiosity. "Who is that?" she mumbled as she continued staring at Kuroo from above.

"He did say he had experience with dating," she thought.

She leaned on the railings of the audience area, with her head resting on her arms. She was lost in her own thoughts until it was Kuroo's turn to serve.

He looked back before holding the ball firmly and smirked before he got ready to serve. Yuko raised her head for a bit, her face reverting back from gloomy look to her usual cheeriness.

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after the match
gym first floor

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"Tetsu-kun," Yuko called his name as she entered the first floor. The other players were either already done changing or still in the locker room.

"Yuko-chan, hi again," he greeted back and approached her.

"You were super cool a while ago," she complimented with a smile.

"Just a while ago? How about now?" he teased.

"I mean-"

"Oh, it's her again," Lev spoke. He was just behind Kuroo.

Yuko looked up at the towering boy. Kuroo was tall already but Lev's presence made her feel smaller. It was a little intimidating actually.

"Y-you look familiar," Lev commented.


"Are you," he narrowed his eyes, "Are you DiA?" he guessed with a surprised look.

"Oh," she mouthed. "Yes, I am DiA," she nervously answered.

"You're frightening my kitten," Kuroo turned around to face Lev, now standing beside Yuko.

"Your kitten?" Yuko repeated in a hushed voice.

"Lev, go get changed," Kenma entered the scene. "Oh, hello DiA," he greeted in an unfazed expression. As much as he liked DiA, Kenma didn't blend in with Kuroo and Yuko's playfulness.

"Okay okay!" Lev responded. "But wait, DiA-san, can I have your signature later?" he asked.

"He barely recognized me though," Yuko thought. Contrary to that, she simply nodded her head and agreed.


While Lev walked away with Kenma, Kuroo was finally left alone with Yuko.

"Well, I'm taking you to dinner, right?" Kuroo reminded.

"Yes, I told you I'd stay until the end of the game."

"Where do you want to eat? Do you have something in mi-?

"Tetsu-kun," interrupted the two. Upon hearing his name get called by such a mellow and sweet tone, Kuroo paused.

"Tetsu-kun?" Yuko mumbled inaudibly, recalling how he said that she was the only one who called him by that nickname.

They both turned around, facing a tall girl with jet black hair standing near the gym entrance. Her hair swayed slowly with the wind and she tucked her hair behind her ear. Yuko, not recoginizing such person, eyed on Kuroo's reaction instead.

There she saw it, from a cool headed guy, Kuroo was now visibly flustered and bashful. A side of him she hasn't seen before.

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