afterstory | part 2

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After 15 more minutes of their question and answer, they ran out of interesing topics ane they finally said their goodbyes to the camera. Yuko waved with a proud smile while Kuroo clicked on the button to end the video.

"Are you going to edit it already, kitten?" he asked as she grabbed the camera from the tripod. Since they recorded while sitting on the carpeted floor of the hotel room, she had to crawl forward.

"You've been working on your videos non-stop like Kodzuken," he added.

"Yeah, we made a bet on who'll get another million subs first," she explained and laughed, "Winner gets a nintendo switch or something, heh."

"So you're gonna edit it right here, right now?" he asked again as she leaned forward again to get the tripod carefully.

"Maybe, maybe not. Aren't you supposed to go to the MSBY and Adlers game for work?" she asked, still crouching in front.

"Yeah, but that can wait," he brushed it off and grabbed her from behind, holding her in his arms. This causes Yuko to sit back again, her back leaning on his chest.

"Really? You're going to be late for the game. 15 more minutes before it starts," she warned, still not batting an eye on her clingy boyfriend.

"I won't be late, we booked in this hotel because it's near, remember?" he reminded and gave her a kiss on the neck.

His arms were wrapped tightly around her waist and to secure his hold on her, he even rested his head on her shoulder.

"Oh, Tetsu," she sighed, smiling.

"Yes, baby?"

"You're still as clingy as ever," she giggles and slightly sways her head to her left to look at him, "Pretty horny too," she laughed again, then glanced at his hand nearing her chest.

"I mean, I haven't seen my kitten for weeks because of her esports tournaments," he reasoned and gave her another peck.

"It was just a week, Tetsu," she chuckled, "You're exaggerating."

"And now, my kitten went out of her way to join me in Miyagi?" he added before a third kiss.

"Plus I'm 24 now, you still call me a kitten?" It was a sarcastic question, funny enough for him to laugh.

"You will always be my kitten. Even if you become an old granny," he teased, "And get wrinkly and all that."

"Hey, we're the same age! Once I'm an old granny, you'll be a wrinkly old man too!"

"And you'll still be kitten. No ifs, no buts. Got it?" He kissed her again.

"It's gonna be real cringy if I call you baby when you're an old man, but sure," she complied, nodding and caressing his hair.

"Let the kids cringe, that's not a problem," he joked around, burying his head on her shoulder.


"We haven't talked about that but I think that having them someday might be nice," he clarified, now serious. He was just testing the waters, trying to see her initial reaction.

Yuko was great with kids, which explains her closeness with her younger sister, Yua. But having children was much different. Kuroo was unsure how he'd bring it up properly.

"Are bedheads genetic?" she teased.

"Oh?" he mumbled. He wasn't expecting that.

"And yes, I'm kidding. You'll spend the next hour talking about genetics," she gave a disclaimer, "Not that I won't hear you out but I already have the genetics thing memorized in my head."

"So, how does a YuKuroo kid sound to you?" he asked, fortunately a little more comfortable with the topic. YuKuroo was the ship name her fans made up.

"YuKuroo? You actually like the ship name?"

"Come on, baby, just answer my question," he pleaded and kissed her on the cheek.

"Well, it does sound nice. Bu-"

"Okay! Time to get to work."

"Tetsu, you horndog," she laughed and nudged her shoulder to subtly hit his chin.

"But I want us to focus on our careers first, alright?" she clarified and moved herself away from his embrace to face him.

"Okay, okay," he agreed, "Now that I think about it, I can't scold our kid for playing too much video games when his mom does it for a living." The teases and jokes never stop with Kuroo.

"Yeah, you do have a point, heh."

"I know, I know," he agreed again, now with a smirk, "So, we can't get to work yet?"

"No babies," she sighed.

"It's okay, kitten, we can avoid that for now."

afterstory end

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