28 | dear yuko

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K.Tetsurou sent
you an email.

(4) voice messages.

you haven't been responding to
any of my messages for the past
two days and you always turned
down my calls. honestly, I can't
really blame you, can I? I know
it's my fault but I really need to
explain things to you. and that's
exactly why I'm writing this to
your work email, literally my last
resort. I figured that you check
your professional email at least.

mimori barged in my house and
I didn't even expect her to show
up at all. she said she wanted to
return my stuff and I thought it
was time for me to do the same
as well. so when I went to get her
things, she already went inside
and a few minutes later, you were
already here.

I'm sorry I'm just saying this now
but I hope this isn't too late yet.

I love you, Daiwa Yuko. I'm in love
with your smile, the way your eyes
crinkle when you laugh, your freaky
memory remembering every joke
and trivia I say. I love you.

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