afterstory | part 1

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"Hey there!" Yuko greeted with a smile and wave. "Hello!" Kuroo's greeting followed.

"Today is a Friday, which means," she continued, then looked at Kuroo for him to finish her sentence.

"Oh, my turn?"

"You dummy," she chuckled and nudged him.

"Friday's with K.T.!" he exclaimed and laughed at his own mistake.

Ever since Yuko reached another million subscribers, her fans couldn't stop talking about Kuroo. This led her to a "Meet K.T." video, then her fans strongly demanded his appearance for other videos.

"Okay, so today, we answer a bunch of questions under the hashtag, and it's probably going to be filled with "who's more likely to" types of questions," Kuroo explained.

"So, let's start?" she suggested and grabbed her phone. "Yup, yup."

"Okay, so, let's take turns picking the questions," she added, which Kuroo responded to with a nod.

"Uhuh, sure."

"Okay, first one, Tetsu," she began, "Who confessed first?"

"That's seriously our first question?" He bursted out laughing, fully knowing the answer.

"It's the first one that popped up!" she defended and clicked her tongue.

"Interestingly, as much of a flirt I seem to your fans, it's you who confessed first and asked me out," Kuroo revealed, occassionally glancing at the camera.

"Yeah, yeah," she clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes, quite sarcastic though.

"Next question! My turn!"

"Who's the more talkative one?" Kuroo read out loud.

"Oh ho ho, we both know this one," Yuko confidently spoke and smirked.

"This guy right here," she pointed at him, "Is a big big big science nerd," she revealed.

"A big science nerd you love and admire," he corrected with a convincing nod.

"He's a trivia machine. Watch this," she continued.


"Tetsu, what's DHA again?"

"Docosahexaenoic acid, it's found in fish," he answered immediately.

"See? Big science nerd."

"Despite that, people actually think I'm a fuckboy," he added.

"Oh, should we censor that?" she laughed.

"Nah, if we do, your viewers might think of a worse term like, stripper or something," he answered, which made her laugh again and again.

"This man, ladies and gentlemen, is far from a fuckboy," she clarified in between laughs.

"Next question!"

"Okay, my turn."


"Who's more likely to set the kitchen on fire?" she read out loud.

Quickly after hearing it, Kuroo bursted laughing. It was his hyena laugh that she loved, a lot.

"Hyena laugh," she mumbled, softly chuckling.

"My Yuko can't cook. Ever. Ever," he answered seriously and stared at the camera.

"I can, well, kind of, cook," she defended.

"No, no, no. Baby, you managed to overcook the porridge you made for me when I was sick," he reminded.

"That's- Okay, that was an honest mistake."

"Next question!"

"Okay, your turn, Tetsu."

"Who's the first to say sorry?"


"I think this is also very obvious. Very obvious," he remarked at the camera, then glanced at Yuko.

"Well? What's the answer?" she giggled.

"Me. Almost always me. My Yuko's always right," he answered, trying to fake being sorrowful and regretful.

"Happy wife, happy life," he added and sighed.

"What wife?" she scoffed.

"Next question!"

"No, what did you mean wife?!"

"Next question!" Kuroo insisted.


She paused to scroll through some of the questions, until she finally found something interesting.

"Okay, for K.T.-san, what do you like most about DiA physically?" she announced the question.

"Wow, you handpicked this one."

"Answer it, Tetsu!"

"Okay, well, if I'm going to be really honest on this one, it's her --"

"Oh my god, Tetsu, I'm censoring that!"

"What? Just being honest, kitten."

"Next question! Your turn!"

"Fine, fine."

"For DiA, what's the sexiest thing about K.T.?" he said it out loud.

"Did someone really ask that?" she just had to double check.


"Wow, well, let's see. Physically?"

"Oh," he mumbled, a little suggestive.

"Tetsu's a big nerd but it's a sexy thing, you know?" she answered, "Like, he can go on hours and hours talking about science. He's not, I mean, ever, going to run out of stuff to say."

"I was thinking you'd say ----- was the sexiest but that could work too, kitten."

"Yup. We need to censor that."

"I just said ---, it's not even R18, baby!"

"Still censoring that."

to be continued!

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