7 | kitten

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"You're pretty outspoken, aren't you, Yuko-san?" Kuroo pointed out before a chuckle escaped from his lips.

"That's not a bad thing, right?"

"Just surprising," he answered, "I like it."

Contrary to her outspoken personality, the compliment flustered her for a bit. Yuko, ununused to silence, tried to change the topic and liven up the mood.

"Well, when's your match against Fukurodani, Kuroo-san?"

"On Friday afternoon," he answered, "In Nekoma."

"Oh!" she mouthed and smiled.

"Do you have a schedule for your games too, Yuko-san?"

"It's usually really random," she revealed, "The only fixed schedule I have is my LOLOLL streams. I'm number one, you know," she flaunted.

"Ah, yeah, that's the first thing you said in the convention."

"I did?" Yuko raised her brows and chuckled.

As they finally arrived at the movie theater, Yuko insisted on buying Kuroo snacks.

"You bought the tickets, let me buy the snacks for you, Kuroo-san," she told him.

"Alright, alright," Kuroo nodded, "No use arguing with you," he mumbled.

"And, you don't have to be too formal with me, Yuko-san," Kuroo added, "We're the same age."

"R-really?" she swayed her head to look at him, "Well, that makes sense, we're both 3rd years."

"Yup," he nodded.

"Here's your change," the man in the counter said, making Yuko avert her gaze and look in front.

As the two grabbed the food and her change, they noticed some people murmuring from behind.

"H-hey, isn't that DiA?"


"The streamer."

"You know her?"

"Kind of, I saw a vid."

"She's not that pretty in real life though."

"Really? Must be the filters on screen. And makeup."

"Mean, you're so mean, haha"

Yuko rolled her eyes and sighed, but tried hiding her irritated expression and brush it off.

"Kuroo-san, let's go."

"Do you have a problem with Yuko?" Kuroo turned around at the two strangers speaking.



"Oh," Yuko read the atmosphere, deciding if she should go along with him.

"Yuko? He just said Yuko?" the two murmured.

"Do you have any business with me?" she faced them and asked with a grin.

"I don't think I'm the one who needs filters," she added and looked at them from head to toe.

Kuroo looked at her, all smug and intimidating. It was as if she was a completely different person. Like a switch.

"Let's go, kitten," Kuroo spoke, now smirking at her.

"K-kitten," Yuko snapped out of it and looked at Kuroo as he walked away from the two.

Yuko followed him with her face getting red. The dimming lights relieved her as he won't get to see how flustered she was.

"Kitten, Kuroo-san called me kitten," she mumbled inaudibly.

Kuroo showed the staff their tickets and they entered the cold and dark theater.

"Oh, careful," he warned and pulled her from tripping.

"Our seats are just near," he continued, almost like he forgot everything that happened just a few moments ago.

"Yeah," Yuko nodded.

As they got on their seats, Yuko still wondered about the kitten nickname, but was unsure if she should even ask.

"You called me kitten, right?" she blurted out and looked at Kuroo. His face was just illuminated by the mixed colors of the screen, it was a nice view.

"Yeah, you don't like it?" he asked.

"No, no, I like it," she answered, not even giving it much thought.

"Good, good," he smirked.

"Then, can I call you by your first name?" she asked, a little bashful, a little shy, "Tetsurou? Or," she paused, "Tetsu?"

"Whatever you like more," he answered. "No one calls me Tetsu, though."

"T-then Tetsu!" her eyes glimmered, delighted she's the only one using that nickname for him.

"You really like it, huh?"

"Yeah, it sounds cute," Yuko nodded enthusiastically, "I like it."

The movie began shortly and Yuko placed the popcorn and snacks on the armrest between them. She handed him his drink and placed hers on the other armrest.

"Are you cold, kitten?" Kuroo whispered and looked at her crossing her arms.

"Eh?" she gazed at him, "Not that much, Tetsu-kun."

Not minding her answer, Kuroo took off his jacket, with Yuko still staring.

"How cool," she mumbled her silly thought.

"Here," he handed it to her.

"Thank you."

"It smells nice," Yuko thought as she put in on with a flustered face.

The two continued watching the horror film and frequently met hands as they grabbed for popcorn in the same bucket. A cliche, Yuko thought, but it was a good one for her.

For Kuroo, it wasn't really accidental and subtle touches. He just enjoyed seeing Yuko flustered and get all shy, knowing how outspoken and loud she was. As he tried looking at her, she was already staring. Kuroo pretended not to notice and kept his eyes glued on the film.

As for Yuko, she honestly thought she was doing a good job stealing glances every now and then. As she once admired him from the bleachers, she was amazed that they've even made it on a date.

A horror film wasn't exactly the best setting for her dreamy stares and admiration, but she wouldn't have it any other way.

By the end of the movie, Yuko stood up and stretched. "That was pretty nice," she commented while Kuroo grabbed their food packages and his bag.

"You weren't even creeped out."

"Still a nice film," she added and hung her bag on her shoulder.

They walked towards the exit of the theater together and an idea suddenly popped up of Yuko's mind.

"Where should we go next, kitten?" Kuroo asked.

"Dog cafe, Tetsu!"

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