15 | the daiwas

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"What's going on?" Yuko asked and walked down the stairs with her night clothes still on and with her long hair in tangles.

"Ondori-nii came over a while ago and looked for you, Yuyu-nee. Then Ryo-nii said you're asleep, Ondori-nii said he'll wait," Yua explained.

"Should I kick him out, Yuko?" Ryo asked from the kitchen.

"N-no!" she protested and shook her head. Yuko reached the last staircase step, finally near Kuroo. She looked straight ahead to see him in the eye as the staircase made up for their height difference.

"Well?" she inquired and raised her brows.

"I wanted to make up for what we missed last night," Kuroo explained.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Ryo exclaimed, the sound of his footsteps speedily getting louder.

"Dinner, Ryo-nii," she said and rolled her eyes at her panicked brother. Sometimes, it was hard to remember who the older one really was.

"Then-" Ryo spoke but was quickly interrupted by a whimper.

"Ryo-nii!" Yua cried. Naturally alarmed, Yuko swayed her head towards her direction and stepped down to go to the little girl crying.

"What's wrong?" Yuko asked and crouched down.

"It broke, Yuyu-nee!" the poor girl responded in between hics and sobs. She pointed her finger to the cat-shaped tamagotchi on the ground.

"Oh, that's his tamagotchi!" Ryo exclaimed again.

"Uh oh," Ryo reacted, making Yuko turn around and hiss. "You're not helping," she scolded.

Yuko looked back at the toy, so that was what the rambling was all about. She recalled Ryo's loud voice when she first woke up, "Give it back!"

Yuko picked up the toy from the ground and tapped on the buttons. It wouldn't turn on and the girl probably pressed on the buttons to aggressively, or might have dropped it earlier.

"I'll just buy you and Ondori-kun new tamagotchis, okay?" Yuko held the younger's shoulders and put up a comforting smile.

"I want it shaped like a kitty cat," Yua told her, still crying. "Is Ondori-nii be mad?"

"Ondori-kun," Yuko looked at Kuroo, who was just standing nearby, observing the three.


"Is it okay if I just replace yours?" Yuko asked.

"Yes, of course," he said with a nod. That toy had some sentimental value, but if it was to stop a child from crying, then it was quite okay for him.

"See, he's not mad at all," Yuko reassured the girl.

"Okay, okay," Yua nodded.

"I'll buy you pudding later, will that make you feel better?" Yuko asked.



"Can I eat the pudding in the fridge now, Yuyu-nee?"

"Ah, so you saw my pudding," Yuko murmured. "Alright, alright," she permitted. A second later, Yua ran towards the kitchen, most probably off to get her pudding.

"Hey, don't run there, I'm cooking breakfast!" Ryo warned.

"Oh, right, I'm cooking!" Ryo realized in a rush of panic, remembering how he left it.

Yuko got up and faced Kuroo as Ryo headed straight to the kitchen.

"Where were we again?" Yuko asked herself as Kuroo approached her.

"Well, kitten, can I take you out today?" Kuroo asked in casual but cool tone, now standing so close to Yuko.

Yuko looked up at Kuroo and realized this was probably the fjrst time she had seen him up this close. Caught off guard, Yuko couldn't even speak out an answer and she caught herself gazing at every detail of Kuroo's face.

"Kitten," he called, cutting off her dreamy train of thoughts.

"W-what?" she asked and stepped back, surprised.

"I'd like to take you out on a date," he repeated. "You know, to make up for last night."

"Oh. Last night," Yuko mumbled as she recalled memories of last night.

"I don't know," Yuko answered with a distasteful frown. With her frustration last night, she wanted to play hard to get and Kuroo was up for that little game.

As unpleasant as her expression was, Kuroo couldn't help but think of how adorable Yuko's frown and tsundere act were.

"Are you busy today, Yuko-chan?"

"Maybe," she answered. "Why do you want to go out anyway? Don't you have training?" she asked. "Or someone else?" she murmured, hoping it was inaudible.

"I'd really love to take my favorite streamer on a date," Kuroo spoke in a more hushed tone as his fingers made their way on a lock of her hair.

"Favorite, really?" Yuko asked with an unfazed expression.

"It's true, kitten. You're the only streamer I watch," Kuroo chuckled and tucked her hair behind her ear.


"And if there's something you want to talk about, I'm all ears," Kuroo added, guessing that last night still upsets Yuko.

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