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"Dog cafe?" Kuroo repeated, "You like dogs too?"

"I don't trust anyone who hates dogs," she answered, "And yes, I like dogs."

"Is there one nearby?" he asked and stopped walking, not nowhere which direction to take.

"Yup, it's near here," Yuko nodded and placed her hand on the pocket of his jacket, which she refused to give back for now.

"Oh where is it?" Kuroo asked, looking around the area.

"Follow me, Tetsu-kun," Yuko instructed, "It's a really cool place too."

Yuko led the way as they headed to the dog cafe. Kuroo was glad they had something else in common as he worried they'd just have to talk about gamed all the time.

"Here," Yuko looked at the cafe then back to Kuroo, who was reading the sign. "Well?"

"Let's go inside, kitten," Kuroo called her by that nickname again. It was a successful attempt to see Yuko switch to her flustered and bashful self.

"Yeah," she mumbled and nodded. Kuroo opened the door for her and they were greeted by the staff.

Yuko was surprised to see the dogs and puppies nearby, with a short fence just between them.

"Oh hello," she crouched near the fence. Kuroo thought of it as cute, and decided to order her a drink.

"Miss, we'll be opening the fence for you," one of the staff tapped her shoulder, making her stand up.

"O-oh, but I haven't ordered, wait," she said.

"I ordered one for you," Kuroo interrupted, "I dunno if you'll like it though. Do you like mango smoothies?"

"My favorite!" she nodded and smiled.


"Yes, really," she continued nodding.

"You can enter now," the staff said.

"Let's go, Tetsu-kun."

The two entered the dog play area and they were immediately welcomed by a bunch of small shibas.

"C-cute!" she squealed and gently pat the puppy. The two sat on the floor right after.

"Cute," Kuroo commented as well but it was more of a compliment for her.

"I know, right? Look at her, Tetsu-kun," Yuko pet the puppy with two hands, admiring its soft and smooth fur.

"Oh, another one!" she exclaimed as another shiba approach them.

Kuroo gazed at Yuko as she got even more distracted with the dogs. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and asked, "Do you want to take a picture with the puppies?"

"Y-yes!" she nodded enthusiastically with the puppy sitting on her lap.

Kuroo unlocked his phone and quickly tapped on the camera button.

"Alright," he said before counting.

"Oh, no no no, don't fight," Yuko pouted and moved just as Kuroo snapped the picture. Kuroo previewed the photo and her face was too blurry.

"Ah, sorry, can you take another one?" she asked him, now with her best attempt of a puppy face.

"Ah, would you like me to take a photo of the two of you?" one of the staff volunteered, seeing how much they struggled with the puppies.

"T-that'd be great!" she exclaimed.

"My first solo pic with him!" she thought.

The two made the most of their time together and Kuroo found himself slowly loosen up. Not that Yuko made him uncomfortable, he just tried to play safe, which explained the typical first date destination earlier.

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