extra: fluff

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random kuroo fluff to fill the void of the previous kuroo angst ♡

Kuroo loved the beach. The texture of the sand on his bare feet, the wild waves and tide, and the calmness it brought to him. This year, as the outing of the Nekoma Boys' volleyball team, his suggestion won over Yaku's, which was a trip to the mountains.

"KITTEN? ARE YOU DONE?" Kuroo raises his voice, loud enough for his girlfriend to hear from the changing stall.

"You're too excited for this, baby," she chuckles just as she exited the stall.

"Of course, it's our fi-" he said but he cut his sentence midway through just to admire the view, even bringing down his sunglasses. Y/N was wearing a black two piece swimsuit, a skirt bottom type.

"You look gorgeous, kitten," he complimented, gazing at her from head to toe.

"And so do you," she returned the compliment, almost swooning over his chiseled body as well. Wearing only trunks, Kuroo flaunted his well-toned abs.

"Let's go, the others must be waiting for us," he told her, nodding to the area their friends occupied.

"Kuroo, can you apply sunscreen in my back later?" Y/N requested. Very bold and blunt too.

"Well, of course. I don't want my baby to get sunburned," he told her before placing his hand around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"Hey, there they are, they took forever to change," Yaku commented.

"Y/N-san looks so pretty," Lev murmured, which made Kenma nudge him for a bit, a gentle reminder that the (sometimes) overprotective boyfriend was all ears too.

"Hey, Y/N-san! Come join us here!" Yamamoto invited, waving at them.

"Yeah, it's not that deep, don't worry!" Inuoka exclaimed.

"I'm here too!" Kuroo remarked, not noticing the small tinge of jealousy building up.

"Now, now, let's get you some sunscreen first. Then I'll join you," Kuroo told Y/N in a much softer and sweeter voice.

"Oh, right," she mumbled then looked for some space to lie down on.

Kenma, as expected, was sitting on a blanket, relaxing under the shade. And of course, playing with his game console. "Kenma-san, can you move a little please?" Y/N requests.

"My cute kitten needs her sunscreen," Kuroo added, causing a sour and disgusted expression on Kenma. He already knew he'd be overhearing Kuroo's cheesy lines for her soon enough.

"Fine," he sighed before granting the small favor. He moved on the very edge of the blanket, still making sure he's under the shade.

"Thank you," the couple said in chorus.

Soon enough, Y/N lied down on her tummy. "The sunscreen's in the front pocket," she instructed.

Kuroo got it as he was told and placed a small amount on his hands. He began rubbing it on her back, cherishing every second of it. He started on her shoulders, then lowered his hands unto her back.

"My neck too, baby," she chuckled, pointing at the part he missed.

"But you're so ticklish there," he remarked but nevertheless, massaged it too. Just like what he anticipated, the feel of his hands on her neck immediately caused a few laughs and giggles from her.

"You know me too well," she told him in between chuckles. Shortly after, she turned around to face him.

"Well, of course, I do," he said before planting a kiss on her cheek.

"One more, please?" she requested, even pointing at her other cheek and completely forgetting the pudding head beside them.

Kuroo laughed at how bold his girlfriend was but was more than happy to oblige.

"Oh, one more?" she requested again, now pointing at her forehead.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you, kitten?"

"Not until I get one more," she teased.

"As you wish," Kuroo said. However, instead of directing the kiss to her forehead, he gave her a peck on the lips instead, "I love you."

"I love you, too.

"Hey, so are you joining us or what?!" Yaku exclaimed from a distance. Annoyed at the interruption, Kuroo turned around. It seemed like Yaku was already swimming with the others.

"Hey, you're interrupting!" Kuroo scolded.

Before the two bickered in public, Y/N got up and kissed Kuroo on the cheek. "Now stop being grumpy and let's go join them."

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