[1- They're Coming Home]

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Hello!! This is my first story I've written so please tell me what you think. Also if I have any mistakes please tell me so I can fix them. -Author


It's been seven years since the Tenrou team left. A group of the guilds strongest wizards...disappeared into what seemed like thin air. The guild that was once full of fighting and laughter was now full of sulking and sadness.

''She ain't comin' back! We have to let go, okay?!" Droy shouted to Jet with tears in his eyes. The guild went silent to the point you could hear a pin drop.

Magically...Reedus's drawings fell on the floor. I can't remember how they fell.  Nobody broke the silence as their eyes drifted to the drawings on the ground. Drawings of the Tenrou team were layed out on the ground. Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Erza, Wendy, and everyone else. Romeo had told you so much about them.

You could tell Jet and Droy we're talking about Levy McGarden, another former member of Team Shadowgear. From what you heard, Jet and Droy worked with her. You walked over to the request board to see what was available.

You are (Y/n) (L/n),  a requip dragon slayer. You're currently the strongest mage in Fairy Tail, even though you're still considered a new comer. Your exceed Atreyu, (uh- tray-you) was a light-gray colour, with a dark blue tail end. You were holding her in your arms as you made your way to the board. There were only four missions left, and you grabbed all of them.

You walked over to Kinana, a pretty girl with short purple hair and green eyes. She was cleaning a glass when you walked up to her. You showed her the missions you were going to take.

"Wow, (y/n), you really mus-" Then she was interrupted by people from Twilight Ogre.

(Italics are thoughts) 'What now? We already payed them this month!' You clenched your fists in frustration.

" Give us the money now, or there'll be hell to pay." Fairy Tail 'owed' money because Twilight Ogre helped Fairy Tail a while back, but you had already payed it off. The current master, Macao, walked to them going to say something but then was interrupted by his son, Romeo.

"Hey! Leave our guild alone! Stop harassing us or else!" Romeo had a tone in his words that irked the people from Twilight Ogre.

"Eh? Some twerp kid thinks he can boss us around?'' The leader of the group stepped towards Romeo.  Said boy got in a fighting stance before they kicked him to the wall.

"Romeo!" You yelled, sending a death glare to the pig who just kicked Romeo.

"Get out. We already payed." You said with stern voice. The leader of the attackers walked up to you with a smirk and grabbed your chin, making you look at him.

"Ay ay," he said getting closer to my face. "looky  here...we got a pretty one." You looked at him with disgust. Giving him no time to react, You kicked him through the door. He came back with a look of anger on his disgusting face. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but was interrupted. Somehow, all of the members were attacked from behind. All of you  looked at each other with confused faces.

"We're back!" A voice yelled.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!'' You looked over to see Romeo gasp and tear up. Looking back, you saw...


How did you like it eh? Tell me what your thoughts are so I can improve to your liking. - Author ( I have no idea what to call myself other than that so... author it is)

Sorry for the short chapter! I'all edit it even more to make it longer, that's a promise! -FangirlPro

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