[16- Versus the Drunkie]

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"YOU MEAN YOU LIED TO ME?!" Toby yells, enraged by the simple matter. "IF I WIN, YOU'L TELL ME YOUR REAL NAME!"

"Ok, I'm fine with that. What did I get if I win?" Blacksnake asks.

"IF YOU WIN, I'LL TELL YOU A SECRET THAT NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT ME!" Blacksnake grins and his eyes widen.

"Sounds good, I'm in~"




~(Y/n)'s POV~

Toby continues to claw at the Raven Claw member.

"NAIL! NAIL! NAIL!" He yells frantically as he swipes. Blacksnake has a smirk on his face as he dodges the simple attacks with ease. He looks as if he's just about done with this match. Sand suddenly arose to show a standing Blacksnake hovering over a certain dog man.

"BLACKSNAKE OF RAVEN TAIL TAKES THE IN THIS TIME!" I narrow my eyes and turn to my team. I notice Gajeel is back, probably didn't want to be stuck with Natsu.

"Why are you here?!" I ask, "I told you to rest!" He glares at me but has the tiniest bit of red on his face.

"You don't have to worry about me. And I can't stand being in a room with only Salamander for that long." He complains. I roll my eyes but nod.

"Anyway, I was going to say that Raven Tail is actually pretty strong. Even when they don't cheat. As much as I hate to admit it." I say.

"Now, I think someone owes me a secret~" Blacksnake says as he stands over Toby.

"It's my sock," Toby cries, "I can't seem to find it anywhere! I feel like it's right under my nose!" I look at his neck and see a string wrapped around it to create a necklace. Attached to the necklace is...a sock. "I've been keeping this secret for such a long time now..." Toby says. Blacksnake glares a bit, probably feeling a bit cheated for his part of the deal. He leans down and taps one of his fingers on the sock around the dog mans neck. Toby looks down curiously and his eyes widen when he notices what Blacksnake is pointing at. "Has it really been there the whole time?!" He picks up the sock gingerly and rubs his face with it, crying tears of joy.

"Is this guy...serious?" I ask in complete shock. I scan my teams facial expressions. Laxus and Jellal look unemotional. Mira is smiling through the strangeness, and Gajeel has an annoyed expression on his face.

"Guess so." Laxus answers, still keeping a straight face. In the arena, Blacksnake reached his hand out, as if going to help the fallen Lamia Scale member up.Tony looked up at the hand that Blacksnake had outstretched.

"WOW! ARE THEY GOING TO SHAKE HANDS AFTER THAT AMAZING FIGHT?" Chapati asks the crowd. Blacksnake leans forwards even more and...tears the sock from Toby's neck and grasp. He rips it into pieces right in front of the whole crowd.

"NOOOOO!" Toby cries in agony.

"You shouldn't have told my that stupid price of cloth was so important. Dumb move." Blacksnake hissed as he walked away.

"That was just cruel." Mira says. I nod in agreement and rest my chin in my hand.

"He already won, why go any further than that?" I ask in disbelief.

"FOR THE NEXT BATTLE WE HAVE THE GOD OF WINE, BACCHUS!" Said man walked out into the stadium with a bottle of alcohol in one of his hands. He looked at me and winked.

A Fairy's Tale [Various!Fairy Tail x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now