[8- Crocus]

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After three months of training over, Natsu, (Y/n), and the others have returned.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

On the ride back home, everyone was still sore, except Erza of course.


You cast a spell on Natsu for his motion sickness, and you continue the ride to the guild.

~Time Skip~

Everyone that went to the beach to train lays on the ground in front of the guild.

"We're...here..." You manage to say.

"Why are you all so exhausted?" Macao asks. He's standing with a few others in front of you all.

"GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!" You lift your head up to see a super buff Elfman.

"..." You don't even say anything.

"THATS WHAT A MAN WOULD DO!" He screams. You mentally sigh. Should've known that was coming.

~Yet another time skip to after everyone stops laying on the ground~

"Woah, Elfman! You sure bulked up!" Natsu says. You cross your arms.

"How is even possible? I thought you were already pretty buff" You say, a bit impressed. Lisanna provides you allwith an answer.

"Mira, Elfman, and I secluded ourselves in the mountains and trained there!"

'Nice to know SOMEONE got some training in...'

"MUSCLES ARE A MANS ROMANTIC ADVENTURE!" (BTW, I'm watching subbed right now because I can...it's easier to see what they're saying, though I normally watched dubbed...~Fangirl) Elfman screams once again.

'I have no idea what that means...but I'll just go with it...'

"In the last three months, I became able to eat natto, my formerly most-hated food!" Vijeeter said proudly.

"I conquered my fear of heights!" Warren says after, also quite proud of himself.

"I don't think that'll help us..." Atreyu says.

"Our firing accuracy has gotten even better" Bianca says, loading her gun.

"Yep." Al (Imma just call him that b/c I forget his full name! Alzack...or something...~Fangirl) agrees.

"I managed to finish reading a thirty volume horror novel series!" Nab says triumphantly. Macao and Wakaba jump in front of him.


"You need to work on keeping that stomach in." Wakaba points out.

"My sandstorms gotten really powerful! If I fight Natsu, I bet I can win! Maybe even (Y/n)!" Max says confidently.

"What?!" Natsu cried out. You smirk.

"Don't get so cocky, Max." You say.

"Good job everyone." A voice says. We all turn around.

"Gramps!" You cry out.

"I can see you've all trains your hardest for the games." He says.

'Eh...of course we did! We TOTALLY did not waste three months at a party!'

You see Lucy looks a bit doubtful too.

"Eh, that's not exactly the case..." She says.

"For now, everyone gather inside the guild."

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