[20- Tears and Feelings]

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"With her in games, we'll dominate the tournament and our competition for sure!" With that, Sting and his red exceed walk back down the hallway. Frosch looks up at Rogue.

"Hey, Rogue?" Frosch says quietly. Rogue looks down at his exceed. Frosch looks like he's on the verge of tears. "Will I have to leave tomorrow because I'm weak?" Frosch asks quietly, whimpering a bit.

"No. That won't happen, Frosch, I promise," Rogue smiled down at his companion, "You have me by your side." Frosch wiped the tears from his eyes and gave Rogue a smile.

"I hope you're here with me forever!"

~(Y/n)'s POV~

It as now nighttime, and a little breeze blew my (H/c) hair back a bit. The sky was littered with brightly shining stars. It was a nice peaceful scene. Lucy, Natsu, Wendy, Happy, and Atreyu were all walking alongside me as we made our way down a street that was lit up by street lamps. We had just gotten a filling dinner.

"Aaah~ That was good. I don't remember ever eating that much before." Natsu says. I laugh.

"Even though I might not have known you as long as Lucy or Wendy, I'm sure that isn't true. I'm sure we've all seen you eat." I joke. Natsu blushes from embarrassment.

"I agree!" Atreyu says. I turn to my right and see Atreyu flying with Happy next to her. Happy looks quite happy. Apparently, Atreyu had accepted another gift of fish from the blue exceed.

"We should probably get back to the inn soon. I don't want Erza to get mad." Wendy says. Lucy nods.

"Then again, I don't really want to sleep. It's too hard when you have Natsu and Gray in the same room." Lucy complains. I laugh at her misfortune. Aren't I a great friend? Lucy elbows me lightly.

"I wonder what that's like~" I tease. Lucy rubs her temples.

"Let's just say: Apparently it's a competition to see who can destroy most of the room and piss Erza off the most." She says.

"HEY! I WOULD'VE WON THAT PILLOW FIGHT!" Natsu yells. Lucy points an accusing finger at Natsu.

"IN NORMAL PILLOW FIGHTS, THE PILLOWS AREN'T ON FIRE AND COVERED IN ICE!" Lucy yelled back. I laugh at their little argument.

"What's your room like, (Y/n)?" Wendy asks me. I turn to her and contemplate her question.



(Remember Bold Italics are thoughts)

~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Can't you just be quiet?" I hear someone yell. I stir in my sleep a little.

"I am quiet! Blame Thunder Bolts over there!"

"I wouldn't talk, Gajeel. You're only making more noise."

"Let's just get some sleep."

"Goodnight boys!~ And (Y/n)!"

Silence fills the air. Only a few movements can be heard. That is, until the silence is broken.

"Turn off the light."

Great. Everyone finally gets to go to sleep and someone forgets to turn off the light.

"Laxus, can you turn off the lights?~" Someone, probably Mira, chirps.

"Why me?"

A Fairy's Tale [Various!Fairy Tail x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now