[19- Bad Ideas]

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"What did you say?" Yukino took another step forward and repeated her question in a calm voice.

"Are you afraid to lose?"

"You are wrong if you think that. I do not gamble for entertainment." Kagura answered just as calmly.

"So do I. So let's make this more serious. Let's wager...our lives." Yukino says confidently. The crowd fell silent as they all waited for Kagura's answer.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

'Well, things just got interesting...'

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Kagura smirked.

"If you are willing to make a wager like that, I can't help but accept your offer, Yukino. Are you prepared to lose your life to me?" From across the arena, Yukino nodded.

"I will not lose my life to you. I am prepared to offer my life" Yukino answers.

"Very well. Have at you." Yukino pulled out a golden key.

'Another celestial wizard?'

"Open, gate of the golden fish. Come, Pisces!" Yukino called. The golden key glowed for a moment. A doorbell like sound rang out in the arena, and two eel looking creatures came put. One was white, the other was black. Both 'eels' had blue lines detailing their skin. Pisces twirled in the air around each other. Pisces the charged at Kagura. An explosion of dust filled the arena. I covered my eyes with my arms.

'What would the Grand Magic Games be without more explosions?'

Peeking a little, I notice Kagura jumped out of the way just before they hit. Pisces continued to attack Kagura, but Kagura manages to dodge all of their attacks. All while looking calm and collected. During one attack, Kagura jumped onto Pisces back and began to run along it. Pisces couldn't attack her from there.

"If you are just going to run, then I better up my game." Yukino states as she reaches to pull out yet another key.

'Two spirits at once?'

"Open, Gate of the Balance, Libra!" Yukino calls. The key glows and a woman in somewhat revealing clothes pops out. All the men cheer. Lybra strikes a pose with her scales. "Libra, alter the opponents gravity." Yukino says.

"As you wish." Striking another pose, Linda balanced on one foot with her scales still in each hand. Gravity magic. Kagura sunk into the ground from the pressure.

"Go! Pisces!" Yukino yelled. Pisces went in for an attack. They fling themselves to the ground where Kagura was.

Or not.


Kagura was suspended in the air. My eyes widened.

'Wow...I guess these are our opponents too'

"Lybra, rotate the opponents gravity sideways." Yukino says. Lybra nodded once more.

"As you wish." Kaguras gravity was then shifted, causing her to slam into one of the stone statues in the arena. Kagura winced.

'Ah, nothing like being slammed into a stone statue'

Yukino took this chance and told Pisces to attack.

"Attack, Pisces!" Pisces charged towards Kagura. Just as the two fish were about to come in contact with Kagura, she sent both fish a piercing look. Both fish stopped in the middle of their charge and dropped to the ground. On the ground in the arena, Lybra was also experiencing the same problem.

A Fairy's Tale [Various!Fairy Tail x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now