[Special: Past]

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"~(Y/n)'s POV~"

"Wow~" You say in awe. Your tiny child self was currently mesmerized by the show being put on in front of you. Your mother, (M/n), a Nature mage (Ya get it?) was letting you held tend her award winning garden. Bright green plants covered the area of your homes backyard. In a tree, a bird lay in its nest peacefully. (M/n) had her hand outstretched and hovering over a tiny plant. The poor plant was being shaded by all of the other, bigger, plants. Your mother brought a finger to her lips and shushed you quietly.

"I haven't even done anything yet! Just watch..." You obeyed your mothers wishes and watched intensely. From her outstretched hands, it started out as little, tiny, green lights or sparks showering down on the tiny plant. Soon, more tiny green lights came showering down on the plant. Surrounding it, the lights began to glow a bit brighter. Bright enough that you had to shade your eyes for a few moments. "Don't worry, the light won't do anything bad." Your mom says, gently pulling your arm down so you can watch freely. Aren't you glad she did that? In front of your eyes, the plant was growing. The green lights still somewhat covered it, and the still shown just as brightly. Gently, the plant broke through the plants that was once covering it. Once satisfied, (M/n) pulled her hand back and turned to you. Your eyes were wide.

"When can I learn that?" You ask excitedly. (M/n) pats your head lovingly.

"Soon. I can tell you're getting stronger every day. You'll make a great wizard!" You raise a fist in the air.

"Yeah!" How cute. Aren't you adorable. "My Magic is getting stronger! Look what I can do!" You outstretched one of your hands in front of you. Focusing on a little pile of dirt, a (F/c) glow covered it, and it formed itself to create a little statue of your mother. "Look! It's you!" You say, smiling. Unfortunately, your stamina wasn't he why, and your hand dropped, the dirt sculpture falling apart and back to a pile of dirt. (M/n) looks happy with your work. She pats your head once more.

"That's great, now, what do you think about getting something to eat? Dad should be home soon." You immediately jump for joy at food. And your Dad. Taking (M/n)'s hand, you followed her into your house. It wasn't anything too special, but it was cozy and warm. Your town was also a tiny and quiet town, but everyone knew everyone. It was nice. Your house stood near a little cliff that gave the perfect view for both sunsets and sunrises. A forest was off to one side, and the rest of the town on the other side. Opening up the screen door that opened up to your backyard, you bounded into the kitchen, (M/n) following close behind. Just like your mother had said, your father was just entering the kitchen too. Seeing I'm, you jumped into his arms, happy to see him. He patted your head and gave you a tight hug.

"Nice to see you, (Y/n)! How's your magic going?" He asks. You give him a bright smile.

"Good! Mom showed me the coolest thing today!" Your father gave your mother a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. "When will you show me how to use Mirror Magic?" The ability to mirror someones magic and use it against your opponents. However, your father said you weren't ready for it. (F/n) (FATHER'S NAME) turns to you once more.

"Soon. Give it some time. You need to work on your other magics first." A bit dejected, you nodded your head.


"Now, who's hungry?" You immediately have a happy look once again. Going over to your mothers side, you help her get dinner ready.

~Time Skip~

Both your mother and father belonged to a guild that went by the name of Angels Rising. I don't know what to call it. Sue me. (M/n) had her guild mark, what was supposed to be a single angel wing, on her right wrist in a clean white. Your father had it on his opposite wrist, his left, also in white. The two had joined the guild together, and you had also forms up knowing the guild fairly well. Occasionally, the two would on jobs together, and leave you in the hands of the townspeople. Of course, the townspeople took care of you, that's just how it was here. That's what they were discussing during dinner. You innocently take another bite of (F/f).

A Fairy's Tale [Various!Fairy Tail x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now