[Spooky Scary Special]

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

"YO! FLAME BRAIN!" Gray yelled. Natsu turned around with an enraged look on his face.

"WHAT DO YA WANT, ICE PRINCESS?!" He yelled back. You looked at the two fight with a deadpanned look on your face. Lucy, who was sitting next to you sighed. Went looked at the two fight with a worried look on her face.

"Don't fight guys, Erza might get mad!" Wendy warned them. The three of you look at Erza, who is sitting there, peacefully eating her cake.

"Huh?" You start, "I would've expected Erza to have gone and beaten them up already." You say. Lucy and Wendy nod in agreement. Erza places down her empty plate worth a satisfied smile.

"Well, I'm trying to be nice. Or else the Pumpkin of Halloween won't give me any candy!" Erza exclaims.

(I'm just gonna say, I CAN IMAGINE ERZA SAYING THIS. SHE SEEMS LIKE THE KIND OF PERSON TO BELIEVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT. Goofy, but will beat your ass if you mess up)

"Uhh, Erza, I don't think the Pumpkin of Halloween actually-you know-exists." Lucy says with a skeptical look.

"Yeah, Erza, I'm pretty sure people say that Santa's watching you around Christmas, but I've never heard about the Pumpkin of Halloween before..." You say. Erza smirks.

"Of course you haven't! You must believe! He is only real to those who allow themselves to believe in him!"

"I'm pretty sure that people give you candy, not Pumpkins of Halloween." Wendy says. Erza pounds her fist on the table and stands up abruptly.

"NATSU! GRAY!" The Said duo stops fighting and freeze in their positions.

"Y-Yeah, Erza?" They say quite meekly. Erza grabs Natsu's scarf and Grays 'super strong' necklace and drags them to the table where you, Lucy, and Wendy sit.

"Natsu and Gray," She address them as the three of you look on curiously, "You along with a few others shall help me in the hunt for the Pumpkin of Halloween!" She proclaims.


"There's no such thing as that!" Gray yells. Erza bashes their heads together.

"YES THERE IS!" Erza looks at you and Lucy, "(Y/n), Lucy, I want you two to come with me. Wendy, you stay here, I'll explain your task later." Wendy nods quickly. Natsu and Gray lay unconscious on the ground. You and Lucy exchange scared looks and nod quickly, like Wendy, not wanting to face her wrath. She stalks off and out of the guild to who knows where. Lucy let's put a sigh and rubs her forehead.

"Aahh, What we gotten ourselves into now?" She says. You shrug and look at the unconscious duo on the ground. Kneeling down, you place your hands on Grays forehead. Wendy notices what you're doing, and bends down to help Natsu.

"Requip: Sky Dragon" Your hands light up in a light blue light as Gray begins to regain consciousness. He sits up and rubs his head.

"What just happened?" He says. You retract your hands.

"Not much, just the usual, Erza says she wants to find the 'Pumpkin of Halloween', she wants your help, you get knocked out, only the usual." You says sarcastically.

"Oh. Well, thanks for the healing." He says, turning a bit red. You smile at him.

"It's no problem. We've got a much offer problem anyway. What are gonna do with Erza?" You say, helping Gray up and sitting back down. Lucy rests her chin on her hand.

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