[22- Pandemonium]

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"Thanks, Jellal." You say. This causes two certain males in the room to glare at the blue haired male who got your attention.

"Tch. Let's just get to bed." Gajeel says.

"Awww~ You're going to act like you and Laxus weren't worried?" Mira says.

"I NEVER SAID THAT!" Gajeel yells.

"Like Jellal said, Crocus is a big place..." Laxus says, hoping his lying skills are better than yours. You roll your eyes and laugh.

"Let's just get to sleep." You all get ready to sleep. Crawling into bed, you all begin to slowly drift off to the dream world.



"Someone turn off the light."


"~(Y/n)'s POV~"

"WE'RE ALREADY HALFWAY THROUGH THE GAMES, AND IT'S THE BEGINNING OF THE THIRD DAY! OUR SPECIAL GUEST OF THE DAY IS LAHAR FROM THE MAGIC COUNCIL!" Chapati gestures to a man seated next to him, and you look to see who this "Lahar" guy is. A black haired man with glasses laughs.

"I'll be keeping an eye out, so no funny business." He jokes. This causes some people in the crowd to laugh a bit.

"Today, we have an event called...PANDEMONIUM! Please select one participant from your team to come on out!" Chapati says.

"I'll go in." A voice says. You turn around and see Cana. You all had decided it would be better if Jellal wasn't around Lahar.

"I need some action too..." Gajeel grumbles. You roll your eyes and playfully lean on his shoulder. Gajeel blushes at the sudden "affection" and Laxus only 'tchs' quietly. Mira-of course-noticed this and giggles.

"You'll get some action soon. Just let Cana go for now!" You say. Gajeel turns his head he opposite way, hiding his somewhat red face from your view.

"Y-Yeah. Sure. Whatever." He replies, acting like he doesn't care. Your eyes widen a bit in mock surprise.

"Did Metal Head just stutter? How adorable~" You tease.

"Just pay attention, will ya'?" He says, still not looking your way. Meanwhile, Laxus is hoping you could give him some of your attention. Much to Gajeel's displeasure, you get off of his shoulder and nod at Cana.

"You can go, Cana, we'll be cheering for you!" Cana nods and makes her way down to the stadium. You also see a cat girl who Erza once mentioned was named Milianna walk out into the arena. Apparently, they've been friends for quite awhile.

"I'll represent Blue Pegasus!~" Hibiki says, imaginary sparkles surrounding him as he steps out into the arena. Loud female screams fill your ears.

"I'll participate in this one. I'll blast my opponents apart with my Black Lightning!" Orga says, going into the arena to compete.

"Even if we don't know the competition?" Minerva asks.

'I don't care what happens if Natsu or (Y/n) aren't in the competition...' Sting thinks.

Also coming into the arena was Obra from Raven Tail. You glance back up at Lahar, who is watching the competitors walk into the arena.

'With Lahar here, we can assume that Raven Tail won't try to do anything too bad...'

From Lamia Scale, the wizard saint, Jura, has decided to take part in this competition.


A Fairy's Tale [Various!Fairy Tail x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now