[Special: Past (Part 2)]

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

Climbing into Sature's back, you gripped one of her multicolored spins tightly, across to fall off. Sature twisted her long neck back to make sure you were ready and wouldn't fall off during the ride. Extending her rainbow wings to their full length, she clapped them once. Lifting off into the air, wind brushed past your (H/c) locks, drying the tears that once fell before. Slowly flapping her wings, Sature flew over the forest. From above, you could see that the ford the was indeed covered. Green foliage covered the whole top part, not letting any sunlight into it.

The blue sky above seems to get closer and closer as you slowly begin to soar around cloud level. Reaching an arm out slowly as to not lose your balance, your fingers lace through a cloud easily. Taking your arm back, you look down. Now, the forest doesn't look so daunting and scary.

"Child. I never got your name." Sature speaks up. You snap out of your trance.

"My name is (Y/n)(L/n)..." You answer.

"Who were your parents?" Sature asks. Upon hearing about your parents, you swallow a lump in your throat.

"(M-M/n) and (F/n)(L/n)." You say after a moment of silence.

"Where were they during the attack?" Sature asks, her voice soothing and calm.

"They were or on a job. I don't know if they're still alive or not." You say, tears building up in your eyes. For a little while, the only noise is the flapping of Sature's rainbow wings beating.

"Well then, (Y/n) (L/n), I will take you in as my own. As you already know, I am Sature, the Dragon of Elements. I will teach you Dragon Slayer Magic. But, it's very powerful, you'll need to find a way to keep it under control." Sature speaks up. You listen to her carefully.

"Dragon Slayer Magic? I want to learn that...I'll learn how to keep it under control. O want to use it to protect my family!" You say, tears falling from your eyes. "B-but, I don't really have a family anymore. My mom and dad are probably dead now. And the whole town is gone too..." You say hopelessly. Sniffling, you wipe your tears worth your forearm. "I-I'm sorry for getting your scales wet with my tears..." Sature says silent.

"If you would like, I will be your family. No child should have to go through anything alone. Nobody should have to go through anything alone." Sature says. Your eyes widen at her words, a soft smile taking your face.

"T-Thank you, Sature." Once again, the beating of her wings fills the air.

"Do not worry, Child. Now, rest, we shall arrive soon." Sitting there, listening to Sature's Wong beats like a lullaby, you slowly drift off into a dreamless sleep.

~With Devils Rise~

"H-How long has it b-been?" Someone asks in a raspy voice. For all the seven Angels Rise guild members know, it could've been weeks since they had last been exposed to any sort of light or fresh air. Someone else coughed.

"I don't know...too...long..." They answer.

"We'll get out soon..." (F/n) says, trying to be hopeful. Silence fills the air, everyone's throats too dry to speak for too long. The door to the dungeon opens to reveal Devils Rise's guild master. He wears a smirk as usual.

"How nice to know that our little guests are still talking." Nobody answers. He walks over to the lacrima he laced in the dungeon on the first day they were captured. "I thought our guest might also want to be a bit more entertained than just hanging there, so I had this idea. Why not let out guests see what we did?" He hovers his hand over the lacrima, and it turns on. One of the members eyes widen when they see their town, thrashed and destroyed. Buildings as strewn everywhere, and the town is deadly quiet.

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