[10- Guild Introductions]

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~The Next Day~

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I wake up with a groan. Someone's shaking me.

"Wake up (Y/n)! The games are today!" A voice says. With that, I shoot up from my position, grab some clothes, and run to he bathroom. It must've been Mira who woke me up because I hear a giggle.

"I'll be out soon!" I yell from the bathroom.

"Don't worry. You're not late, but the others are waiting for us!" She calls back. I hear the front door close, and I sigh.

Today is the first day of the Grand Magic Games. I'm going to make Fairy Tail proud. I'm going to make my family proud.

I finally finished getting dressed, and go to the waiting area where my team is. Mira notices my arrival first.

"Hello again, (Y/n)." She gives me a sweet smile and waves. I wave back and jog up to them.

"Good morning everyone" I give them all a smile. The boys all nod in approval.

"Tch. So you're finally up?" Gajeel asks. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." From the waiting area, I can slightly see the arena. From top to bottom, spectators cheer loudly. Colorful balloons litter the sky. People selling food and drinks call out loudly.

"Hm. This place sure is packed." Laxus points out.

"Yeah. It's always like this, but it's so different to actually be here then just watch it on a screen!" I squeal. I'm just so excited.

All of a sudden, a loud voice rings out in the arena. I'm not listening too much, considering I'm feeling slightly nervous. All I hear is the announcers name-Chapati Rola, along with Mr.Yajima, an old council member.

"We're gonna win this year!" A peppy voice calls out.

'Another guest? Must be from one of the guillds...'

"FIRST UP, COMING IN EIGTH PLACE, WE HAVE A GROUP OF YOUNG KIDS COMING FROM MAGNOLIA!" Chapati yelled. All of our heads snapped up, wanting to see who got eight place. Seeing who it was, I let out a smile. Standing there was Natsu, Erza, Lucy, Gray and...Elfman?

'Wasn't Wendy supposed to be there?'

"BOOOOO!!" The crowd yelled. They held their thumbs down and yelled louder.


"I didn't expect that at all..."

"HURRAY HURRAY! FAIRY TAIL IS THE BEST! CHEER AS LOUD AS YOU CAN!" I turn to see the whole guild cheering at the top of their lungs. There's one person who doesn't look so familiar to me.

"Hey guys, who's that?" I point out a young looking girl with long, wavy blonde hair. She too is cheering for Fairy Tail.

"MASTER MAVIS?!" The rest of my team yells. I stand there, confused.

"Isn't that...the first master that saved you all?" I ask. Too bad I don't get a straight answer, they're all too busy gawking at her. I shake my head slightly but turn back to the arena to see who else made it.



"FOUR!" They yell, full of confidence. I sweat drop.

"They do know there's five of them, right?" I asks no one in particular.

"IN SIXTH PLACE! THE LADIES FROM THE DEEP! MERMAID HEEL!" A bluefish effect surrounds them as the walk out. Loud male screams can be heard.

A Fairy's Tale [Various!Fairy Tail x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now