[3- Team Natsu]

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Alright! Back to the story! Again please tell me if there are any mistakes, and if you want me to add any parts with other guys. - Author


~(Y/n)'s POV~

You walked around aimlessly for a while with Atreyu asleep in your arms. You were about to sit down when Natsu ran up to you.

"Hey (Y/n)! You should meet Team Natsu!" Natsu said energetically. You nodded and he grabbed your wrist, pulling you as he ran to a table with four other people sitting at it.

"Wait, Nat-" You gave up trying to walk on my own free will and let him pull you.

"Hey guys! This is-" He was then interrupted by a very short old man. He put you by the bar counter and stood on it so he could be seen.

"Listen up, brats!!" He yelled getting everyone's attention. "This here is (Y/n), and treat her with respect! She could fight Gildarts and it would be evenly matched!" As he said this everyone looked at me and the boys were blushing. (you are completely oblivious to this kind of stuff though) (Fangirl: Wooow Reader-Chan...you're so oblivious) "She is a requip dragon slayer, and her exceed here is Atreyu in case you haven't already met her."

Gajeel , Laxus, Natsu, and a girl with blue hair stared in awe at you as the boys were looking at your short hourglass shape. You blushed of embarrassment and everyone went up to you introducing themselves.

After awhile the guild went back to normal and you were seated at a table with Natsu team.

"Helo there. I'm Erza Scarlet. A re-quip mage. " The same red-head as before stuck her hand out. You shook it.

"I'm (Y/n), as you might already know. Might you be Titania?"  She nods and continues to do what she was doing before. You turn to a blonde and smile at her. She returns the smile.

"Hey there, I'm Lucy! I'm a celestial spirit mage."

"Really? I don't see too many of those around anymore. I've always thought it was kinda cool, the way spirits are."

"Yep, it's pretty interesting. I can show you some of my spirits sometime." You nod.

"That'd be awesome!" You turn to a blue-haired girl. "And who might you be?" You say with a smile. She smiles back shyly before answering.

"I'm Wendy..." You laugh a little. She widens her eyes in surprise.

"Don't worry, I'm not laughing at you. You don't need to be so shy!" She nods and laughs too.

"This is my exceed, Carla!" Wendy gestures towards a white exceed that has a stern look on her face.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/n). Who might that be?" She nods towards a sleeping Atreyu. You nudge Atreyu awake. She gives you  a pissed off look.

"What is it, (Y/n)? You better have a good reason unless you want me to pummel you into the gro-"

"Be nice Atreyu! I jut wanted you to meet Wendy's exceed, Carla!" Atreyu perks up immediately.

"Nice to meet you, Carla." Carla nods in her direction.

"So (y/n), how many years have you been here?" Erza asked, still eating strawberry cake.

"Well about two." You  replied. Then the Wendy asked you where my guild mark is. You showed them your (f/c) mark on your right forearm.

--Time skip, BECUASE I CAN--

"Hey, from what Romeo told me, shouldn't there be another member of Team Natsu? I've met Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, and you, Erza, but who's the last person?" You ask Erza. Lucy pipes up.

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