[18- Playing With Lives]

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YOOOO (Y/n)!" I turn around and see Natsu running towards me. "WANNA BE MY PART-" He gets cut off my a metal pole coming in contact with his face. I see Gajeel lying on the ground.

"Uhhh, was that necessary, Gajeel?" I ask, sweat dropping.

"Tch." Is his only reply. Looking around, I see almost everyone had a partner, and begin to fiddle with my dress. Even Lily's into this! I see him holding hands with Asuke, glaring at Happy who is with Atreyu. I smile to myself at the sight.

'Guess I don't have a part-'

I feel someone tugging lightly on my dress. I turn around and see-

~(Y/n)'s POV~

...no one? My eyes scan ahead, and I see nothing but air.

"Fro is down here~" A voice says. I look down and see the same green exceed as before. Instead of the "frogs" usual pink onesie, he (Im just gonna call Frosch a he) is wearing a white suit, just like every other male in the arena. And let me just say, he looked more adorable than usual. (Nice guessing julie!)

"Hey there, you're Frosch, right?" I asked, crouching down. Frosch nodded. "So, what are you doing down here? Shouldn't you be up there?" I point to Sabertooths stand, and the green exceed follows my finger. He looks up at me innocently.

'Oh my flippin' god he's the most adorable thing in the whole entire flippin' world'

"Fro thinks it's more fun down here, and I wanted to see (Y/n) again!~" Frosch admits. I smile down at him.

"That's cute, but, why would you want to see me again?" I ask, tilting my head to the side a bit.

"Because Fro thinks (Y/n) is pretty and nice!" He responds, raising one of his arms. I blush at his comment. This little green exceed is a lady killer and doesn't even know it.

"Why thank you, Frosch! You're adorable!" I say with a smile.


"WHERE IS FROSCH?!" A certain Shadow Dragon Slayer yells in agony. His best friend had suddenly gone missing while he was in the corner with Sting.

"Hey Sting, don't you see Frosch down there?" Lector teased.

"WHERE IS FROSCH?!" Rouge yelled once more as he heard Lector say these words. The red exceed gestured down to (Y/n), who was crouched down, talking to a green exceed.

"Don't you see? He's down there talking to (Y/n)!" Lector gestured to (Y/n) who was crouched down in front of Frosch. From the looks of it, they seemed to be having a nice conversation. Rogue goes over to the balcony, and to his surprise, he does see his beloved exceed having a conversation with (Y/n).

"How come your exceed get to talk to (Y/n)..." Sting mumbles. Fortunately for the blonde Dragon Slayer, the rest of his companions were too caught up in watching their conversation for them to hear.

"Frosch too cute for his own good!~" Rogue says like a proud father. Rogue, however, couldn't help but feel a little jealous that his exceed and best friend was able to strike up a conversation with (Y/n) while he was stuck only watching.

"Yeah..." Sting says in his emo corner.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Fro thinks so too~" Frisch says as he raises one of his arms again. I laugh lightly and smile at the cat.

"Hey Frosch, want to be my partner?" I ask. Frisch nods quickly.

"I want to be (Y/n)'s partner!" He cheers.

A Fairy's Tale [Various!Fairy Tail x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now