[23- Raven Tail]

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'This is the power of the strongest guild 7 years ago...my guild...my family...'


"Fairy Tail...I guess they aren't just all talk..." Minerva says.


"That was amazing!" You gush. Your whole team nods.

"You should know when Erza says she's going to do something, she'll go through with it!" Mira says.

'On the third day of the games, Pandemonium. I'll never forget that day. The day the fairy that was supposed to fall, soared...'

~(Y/n)'s POV~

After Erzas amazing show of power, Mato ran up to the remaining contestants.

"It's been discussed, and we still need a way to rank the rest of the teams. So, this is somewhat of a drag, but a simple game has been prepared." Next to him, what looks like floating podium with a blue orb levitating over the middle slowly floats down.

"What is that?"

"A Magic Power Finder! Or, MPH for short."

"A device used to gauge magic power..."

"Exactly!" Mato says. "When the Magic Power Finder is hit with magic, the panic power will be displayed in a numerical value. Those values will then be ranked from highest to lowest." Hibiki puts his hand on his chin.

"A simple test of strength, huh? I guess I'm at a bit of a disadvantage here..." His sparkles disappear for a mere second before reappearing again. "Anyway, Cana, are you free tonight?" He asks. Cana is busy drinking from a flask as he talks. She turns to him and smiles.

"I'm free, but I don't think I'll be able to drink anymore than one barrel!" Hibiki only smiles and sparkles even more.

"You drink too much!~" He says. You sweat drop.

'Way to state the obvious, Einstein'

"That drunk..." Gajeel says.

"This won't go well..." Laxus agrees. You roll your eyes. Cupping your hands on the sides of your mouth, you yell:

"CANA! THE COMPETITION ISN'T OVER YET!" Cana stares off into the distance, a heavy blush covering her face due to the amount of alcohol.

"Alright! Let's begin! We'll go with the order that we all started with-Kano!" Mato says.

"Guess that means I'm going first!" Milianna days, throwing off her black cape. Underneath the cape, she's wearing tight, black revealing clothes. A pink magic circle appears in front of her, and a pink streak of light spirals out of the magic circle, hitting the magic power finder. The numbers above the magic power finder change rapidly and stop on the number 365.

"The value is 365! But, that being said, without a benchmark to compare it to, we don't know if it's a good score or not..." Chapati says.

"We Rune Knights occasionally use a MPF during training." Lahar says.

"Then its a good score..."

"Yeah!" Miliana cheers.

"Next up is Quatro Puppies Navole!" The Quatro Puppy member ended up with a score of 124, which seemed a bit low compared to Miliana's score of 365. Hibiki adjusted his collar.

"Guess I'm up~" He says. Loud fangirl screams could be heard. He hit the Magic Power Finder and got a score of 95. Hibiki then proceeds to fall to his knees and cry fake anime tears.

A Fairy's Tale [Various!Fairy Tail x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now