[6- The Spirit World]

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

You were all in the Celestial spirit world, and you could hear everyone gasp in awe.

It looked like a galaxy in a way.Swirling colors, stars, and a "space-like" appearance finished it off.

The Celestial Spirit World looked truly amazing.

"Wow..." You managed to say. You were interrupted by a deep voice, clearing his throat.

"Wow! It's so pretty!" Wendy says in awe.

A giant man, who you thought to be the Celestial Spirit King was in front of you all.

"So, we meet again, human girl. I bid you welcome."



Natsu and Happy say in sync.

You mentally facepalm...

'If he really is the king, shouldn't you keep comments like that to yourself?'

Erza stepped forward.

"Might you be the King of this world?" She asks, keeping a straight face. The rest of you sweat drop.

'I would've used more respect. Eh, it's Erza after all...and I'm not going to tell her that. I don't want to die...'

"Does she have to be so rude?" You hear Levy whisper to Wendy.

The Celestial Spirit World King smiles, and everyone had a confused look.

"Smile! Lucy and friends, I have requested your presence so that we might honor your remarkable return from the prison of time" You all give shocked looks.

'I kind of want to party. But, I wasn't really trapped for seven years...WHO CARES?!' You shout in your head.

"BUT WE THOUGHT YOUR WORLD WAS IN DANGER!" Lucy yells, pointing at Virgo. Keeping an emotionless face, Virgo responds,

"I lied."


"Sorry to trick you like that, it stings but it's worth it to see your face and utterly rocking body" A cow answers.

'Yep...spirits sure are interesting...'

"By the way, of any of you ladies want to sport a new haircut for the party, I'm the man, baby" A half crab/human guy says, waving his scissors for emphasis.

"We were extremely haaappy when we learned you had returned, and we wanted to celebrate with you." A goat in a suit says. A spirit in a blue dress waved her arms quickly.

"But there was no way all of us could manifest in the human world at the same time so we decided to bring you here!" She says quickly.

"Everyone wanted to attend the party, and this is the only way we could make it happen!" A girl with curled pink hair says. Her dress looks fluffy...

"Not many humans get to come here, but you guys are wicked!~" A guy with a scorpion tail says.

"This is a one time thing so don't get cocky." A mermaid looking woman adds.

I look over at Natsu. He's with Gray. A horse looking guy has his arms over their shoulders.

"Thanks for inviting us over everybody!" Natsu says enthusiastically.

"Okely-Dokely, let's party! Are you gentlemen with me?" Horse dude asks.

"Yeah! Now that we know your world's not in danger!" Gray cheers.

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