[26- Before the Battle]

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"I'll heal her!"

"Let's work together!" Cheria says. Wendy and Cheria put their hands over (Y/n)'s body. Wendy's eyes widen.

"I-It's not working!" The blue haired dragon slayer says with sorry laced in her voice. Cheria looks just as surprised.

"I don't know why!"

"I asked you, what are you looking at?" Erza asks again. Minerva puts a hand on her waist.

"What do you mean? I did follow the rules set out for the competition."

"So did I, bitch" A voice says.

~3rd Person POV~

Minerva looks up at the sphere of water that she just left. Natsu, Erza, and everyone else in the arena follows her gaze.

"(Y-Y/n)?" Natsu says in surprise, happy to know you aren't looking half as injured as the You out of the sphere looks. You give the crowd a little wave and look down at Minerva with a smirk.

"You little br-" Minerva says, venom obviously lacing her words. You hold one hand, a gesture for her to stop talking, and Minerva glares at you with piercing eyes. Everyone else looks at you in confusion. Wendy and Cheria (Is that even her name I can't even remember anymore...) look at the 'body' they wee once trying to heal.

"W-What a surprise! What will happen next?" Chapati says quickly, trying to calm down the soon to be tense situation.

"It seems Fairy Tail has a few tricks up their sleeves this year..."

"So, Minerva, how does it feel to be outsmarted by a brat?" You say, falling out of the sphere and landing lightly on your feet. The body in front of Wendy and Chelia shatters into millions of tiny ice crystals. They stare in disbelief. Natsu stands a bit behind you and to the right, and Erza stands on our left. Minerva tightens her fist and leans slightly forwards. The rest of the Sabertooth team stands behind her with smirks on their faces. Everyone minus Rogue, that is.

"You-You bratty little shit." Minerva says. You narrow your eyes.

"Is that all you can say from that shitty mouth?" You say, leaning forwards. You gesture towards a bruised and beaten Lucy on the ground. "Look," You take a step closer to Minerva, "I guess you could say I'm pretty lucky that I managed to outsmart you. I could honestly care less if that was me, but you decided to injure my friend. You think you were playing by the rules? Don't make me laugh. You obviously just could've dropped her out of the sphere-Im sure to quite obvious you just wanted to beat her for fun." Erza crosses her arms behind you and glares at Minerva. Natsu stands back, trying to keep his anger under control. Behind Minerva, Rufus 'hides' his smirk my tilting his head so his hat tilts at an angle. Sting openly shows his smirk-it's as if he's a completely different person then the one you ate dessert with. Orga stand there and crosses his arms. Minerva creeps closer.

"And what exactly did you do to outsmart me? All you merely did was run away by using that clone of yourself." Minerva shoots back. You grit your teeth.

"What's this? Is it going to turn into Sabertooth vs. Fairy Tail?!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" The crowd cheers loudly.

"How is that running away? You have to use your brain too. And I could care less, I got first place by playing fair, nothing like what you did." You say. Minerva growls.

"I don't have time for such petty conversati-"

"Like I already said, I could care less if you did anything to em, but hurting my friends was possibly on of the worst decisions you could have ever thought of making." You step even closer, and Minerva tenses up. "Don't be so surprised when you get your ass kicked later on." With that, your turn around and walk away, leaving a slightly more tuna pissed off Minerva. Suddenly, you stop walking and hold up on finger. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention." You turn around for an extra dramatic effect. "You might be the strongest guild in Fiore, but you messed with the wrong guild." With that, you walk up to Lucy and bend down. Placing a hand gently on her forehead, you look at Gray. "Can you carry her to the infirmary. Thanks Wendy and Chelia." The two girls nod, and Gray picks Lucy up carefully. You give Natsu and Erza another look, silently asking if they want to come, and they return with a nod saying 'yes.' Natsu walks up next to you and puts a hand on our shoulder, as if trying to ease your worry for Lucy. You smile warmly, and Natsu smiles back with a light blush. Giving a tiny look to the Sabertooth members, your turn away, slightly disappointed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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