[4- Beach Training]

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-(Y/n)'s POV~

Everyone looked at you with confused looks.

"I'll let Romeo tell ya." You say winking. The boys blushed, looking away from you to hide their pink faces.

"Please dad!" Romeo yelled as Macao looked at his son.


"The Grand Magic Games? What exactly might that be?" Mavarov, asked in confusion.

Romeo explained what it is as Natsu got excited.

"The Grand Magic Games is like a tournament to see which guild is the strongest in Fiore! Currently, Sabertooth holds the title of strongest guild."

"Sabertooth?" Natsu asked in confusion.

"Yep. They got super strong after five new members joined!"

"Only five members?" Erza says, crossing her arms.

"We should participate this year too!" Romeo whined.

"I already said no, we always come in last place anyway."

"You're not the master anymore, Dad!" (Fangirl:I kinda forgot at this point, Macao is no longer master...)

"I'm saying NO as a member!" Macao fires back at his son.

"Well, who wants to join this year?" Romeo asks with a tinge of hope in his voice. Nobody raises their hand.

"Hmm..." Makarov thinks about it.

"With the Tenrou team back, and if (Y/n) participates, we can't lose!" Romeo continues. Every year around the games, you would go on a long job. It was always sad to see Fairy Tail get beaten. "The prize is 30 million jewel!" Romeo finished with a smile.

"We're in!" Makarov yelled suddenly. "We will do it for the jewe,-uh I mean for the sake of the guild! Master Mavis saved us, so the least we can do is regain Fairy Tail's honor!" Makarov yelled scratching the back of his neck.

"When is it?" Erza asked.

"Exactly three months from now." Romeo said with a smirk on his face.

------ time skip to training because I'm too lazy...-------(Fangirl: *nod*)

~(Y/n)'s POV~

You had Atreyu in my arms as you walked along the beach. In the background, you could hear Natsu and Gray yelling contests.





'How the heck do they tan so quickly?! TEACH ME!'

They've been so caught up in their contests, You don't think they've noticed you watching them. Their childish antics are almost adorable in a way. You smile.

"Oh, my darling Gray~" You hear the same voice you heard when you first met Gray. Turning around, you see Juvia, a member you had met, hiding behind a palm tree.

"Hey, Juvia!" You call out to her. She doesn't seem to interested in talking to you. Yousweat drop. She continues to creepily watch Gray.


You turn around to see Erza in the water. She's talking to Jet and Droy.

"Are you sure the beach was the best idea, Erza?" Jet asks.

"Yeah, you're not even training" Droy manages to say between bites of his food.

"We should've gone to a less tropical place. Like where Cana, Mira, Lisanna, and Elfman went!"

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