[2- Dragon Slayer Boys of Fairy Tail]

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You couldn't believe what you saw. The Tenrou team. In the flesh.


"N-Natsu...'' Romeo said while wiping away tears that fell from his eyes.

"Yo, Romeo! Look how much you've grown!" Natsu said while walking to embrace the crying child. Though he was bandaged and probably hurting, he gave Romeo a great, big hug.

---- Time skip to 10 minutes later ----

Everyone was crying and catching up as you were sitting at the bar, with Atreyu sitting on the chair next to you, while sipping your (f/d).

"Wait, you're telling me you two are married?!" A woman with scarlet hair exclaims.

"Yep, Al was so surprised when I proposed." Bisca respond. You smile, their daughter, Asuka, was so adorable.

As a dragon slayer, you could hear 40% more than normal people, so you heard little bits and pieces of conversations. However, you are stronger. You are a special type of dragon slayer, the only one in history that has your type of magic. You can use it all forms of the dragons magic, allowing you to be unstoppable if you used your powers correctly.

Although you had this great power, you always held back. Not even your exceed has seen your true power-and she's been with you for most of your life.

You heard the same woman with scarlet hair ask the master who you were.

"I can sense great magic power from her, Master." You turn around walking to the red head, as you walk by, you notice two boys fighting with each other and shrug. One boy had black/raven colored hair, and had a cross hanging from his neck. For some reason...he was shirtless?

'That must be Gray...Romeo told me about how he and Natsu always fought...I guess he does have a stripping habit...it's not like I mind...wait. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING (Y/N)!?!? YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HIM!!!!'You facepalmed, and Atreyu looked at you with a concerned look. You walk up to Macao, trying to forget everything you had just thought.

"Hello, my name is (Y/n)." You say with a smile. Master points to you and says,

"(Y/n) here is very powerful. She's dragon slayer,and I bet she could beat up Natsu in a second!" He said with a proud smile on his face.

-- Natsu's point of veiw--

'Dragon slayer?' I heard from far away. Intrigued, I started making my way to a beautiful girl with (H/l) (H/c) and (E/c) eyes. 'I wonder what type...'

"HEY! WE'RE NOT DONE YET, FLAME BRAIN!!" An angry Gray calls out to me. I don't look back, I need to know who this girl is...Macao said she was powerful...

When I get to her, she's talking to Erza and Macao.She notices my arrival and turns to me.

-- y/n point of view --

"Hey, I'm (Y/n), it's nice to meet you. Romeo said you like to fight, so I can't wait to spar with you some time." You say cheerfully, sticking your hand out.

'Was that a good first impression?'

Natsu gives me a wide grin and takes my hand to shake it. He has pink hair splayed out in all different directions, a white scarf, and wears white pants, black sandals along with a pink and white t-shirt. Bandages cover his body inmany places. (Fangirl: I'm referring to his outfit in the picture above).

"Yeah! I'm Natsu, Fire Dragon Slayer. What did Romeo tell you?" He says cheerfully. You rest your finger on your chin for a moment.

"Well...you like to fight...a lot. Especially with someone named Gray. He says your pretty strong too!" You reply.

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