[12- Bad Hair Day]

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"Gray..." I say. He looks up at me. "It's only the first day." I walk up to him and put my hands on his shoulders and turn him so he's facing me. "Don't beat yourself up about it." I see Gray turn a bit red, but he answers.


"Soon, the crowd will be yelling Fairy Tail's name when we win!" I say with a smile. "So what if we did lose today's competition, the rest will be better." I assure him. He gives me a small smile.

"You've got that right"

~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Our very first match of this years Grand Magic Games will test the abilities of Fairy Tail Team A's Zodiac wielder, Lucy Heartfilia, against the Crimson Intensity, Raven Tails Flare Corona!"

"Come on Gray, Lucy's fighting!" I hear Chapati announce the first match up of the Grand Magic Games. "I'm sure you can find your way back?" I ask, smiling at him.

"Y-yeah..." Gray says, turning to go. I run back to my teams seating area.

"Hey guys. I'm really sorry about the Hidden round." I say with shame. Mira smiles.

"Like I said, it's ok!" She reassures me.

"Well...then I guess it just means we'll have to punch the opponents harder." Gajeel says. I send a smile in his direction.

"Thanks..." Gajeel turns a bit red.

"So, where'd you go?" Laxus asks.

"Oh, to check up on Gray. He feels even worse than I do." I say with some sadness. Laxus grunts, and nods.

'Is that...a glare? Why would Laxus be mad at Gray?'

I don't have time to think about it though.

"Too bad for you, blondie..." I hear someone whisper. My ears lead me to the conclusion it was Flare.

'Creepy. She looks a bit...never mind'

Lucy keeps a determined look on her face.

"Hey Laxus? Can I ask you something?" I say. Said person turns to me.


"How do you feel about this match up?" I question. He stays silent for a moment.

"Fine. But we'll have to keep an eye on Raven Tail." He states bluntly. I nod and turn back for the match.

"DON'T GO EASY ON HER! KNOCK PUR HER CREEPY EYES!" I hear someone, probably Natsu, yell.

"Don't you think seeing her eyes get knocked out would be creepy...and gross?" Elfman asks.


I laugh into my hand.

'This will be an interesting match up. I know Lucy is strong, but Raven Tail...I feel like they're going to somehow cheat. I'll have to watch closely then'

I took a better look at Flare. Her eyes stood out the most to me. They were wide, and held a strange look behind them that gave me shivers. I hope Lucy can beat her. A gong goes off, signaling the beginning of the match. Right away, Lucy attacks.

"Open! Gate of the Golden Bull! Taurus!" A sound like a doorbell is heard, and the same perverted cow spirit pops out.

"MOOOO!" Taurus yells as he swings his gigantic axe down. Flare dodges the axe and smiles at Lucy. Or...at least that's what it looks like to me. The smile gives me the same feeling as her eyes did.

A Fairy's Tale [Various!Fairy Tail x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now