[17- Not Your Normal Fight]

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"Oh, Elfman won against Bacchus from Quatro Cer-Puppy." I say happily.

"Bacchus? You mean the guy who drinks a lot? And what do you mean, Puppy?" Natsu questioned. I wave off his questions.

"It doesn't matter right now. We need to figure out why they wanted to kidnap our friends." I tell him. "I'm glad you're ok, Natsu." I tell him as I put one of my hands on his shoulder. Natsu turns to me with a tiny blush.

"Uh...it's ok! Like you said, let's focus on this!"

"Anyway, Natsu, (Y/n)..." We both turn to Porlyusica, "It seems they were going after Lucy." She says. I clench my fist.

"Those jerks will pay..." Natsu says.

"Raven Tail..."

~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Looks we might have underestimated your power and manliness. You took quite a hard beating, but still prevailed at the end. You have given us the momentum we need to now in. Thank you." Erza praised. She crossed her arms and looked down at Elfman. Elfman was covered in bandages from head to toe. He had taken a pretty hard beating. Lucy walked up next to Erza.

"Wow. I don't think I've ever heard you praise someone like that."

"Well, I would say that the man deserves it." Gray agreed.

"You were totally on fire today!" Natsu says with a wide grin.

"Thanks guys...but, I feel like you guys are giving me your last marks before I die." Elfman says. Lissana gently dabbed a towel on the mans forehead and Elfman winced a bit.

"Why are you guys surprised? Taking a beating has always been his strong suit!" Lissana says somewhat proudly.

"Wow. That's a pretty lame strong suit." Natsu admitted. I roll my eyes at his honesty.

"Thanks. I really appreciate the praise guys, but, Wendy is going to have to tag back in." Elfman says.

"I'll do my best!" Wendy says in a determined voice and I give her a smile.

"This is all very moving, but you should let home rest. Its best if you go and watch the matches to find their strong and weak points. You must study your opponents if you want to defeat them." Porlyusica states plainly as she gets up. Natsu reacts first.

"Alright! We definitely want to beat the others, so let's get going! See you later, Elfman!" Natsu cheers.

"Sorry big bro, Elf, but I'm going to watch the games, is that ok?" Lissana asks. Elfman turns to his youngest sister.

"Yeah, sure. Go cheer on Mira for the both of us." He says. With that, she walks out. Now, it's just me and the Thunder Legion.

"I just want to say thanks Elfman..." I start. He cuts me off.

"No problem. I AM A MAN AFTER ALL!" He yells. I laugh and pat is bandaged shoulder.

"I can place an enchantment to keep out intruders." Freed suggests.

"The Thunder Legion will be looking out for you." Evergreen says. I nod.

"So will Team Natsu!" I say. Bixslow grabbed Evergreen's shoulder and pushed her against Elfman.

"I'm sure Evergreen will cuddle with you if you want~" He whispered, but just loud enough for everyone to hear. Both Elfman and Evergreen blushed a bright red. Atreyu (Yep. She's there...) flew up next to me.

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